Deku's last stand

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"It's going to be okay."

"No, it's not. We made a promise to each other that we wouldn't let another class lose someone. But we failed. He's out there alone."

"What about the GPS?"

"He disabled it. We both know that he's planning something big. He's going to do it alone, and he's going to get injured or, worse, killed. I don't know if I can handle it."

"It's going to be okay. We both know Midoriya is the hero that never gives up."

"You know something funny? I almost expelled him on the first day. I thought he was an arrogant kid who never trained his quirk. But I was wrong; he is a kid who puts everyone above himself, including villains."

"Shota, you couldn't have known."

"Yes, I could've. If I had read his file, I would have learned of it. I wouldn't have been so hard on him. I could have trained him better."

"Shota, you read his letter. You were the best teacher he ever had. All we can do now is wait until he comes home to us." I nod while holding back tears. I feel my phone vibrate, and it's a text from Bakugo asking for me to meet up in the common room. I realize I need to go.

**Bakugo's POV**

I'm going to tell them tonight. I'm just waiting for Aizawa to get here. "So, Bakugo, what is this about?" He says as he walks in and sits down.

"Okay, I just want everyone to know that I regret all of this, and I'll understand if you hate me. Hell, I hope you do." They all nod. I start from the beginning of our friendship. Me finding out my quirk and him being quirkless. I tell them about me beating and torturing him. I tell them how I gave him his nickname. The day I regret most is when I told him to kill himself. Some look more broken than others. The one who looks the most hurt is Uraraka. I don't blame her. She was his first real friend, the person he cares about the most next to his mother.

"Bakugo, be honest with me. If you could go back, would you change it?" Aizawa asks.

"Yes, I would. I figured out that he could be a hero without a quirk because he has the heart of a hero."

"Okay," he says. I see a few people leaving, including Uraraka, Iida, Mina, and a few others. Mashiro is letting Kaminari play with his tail like I've seen him do before. I turn to walk to my room but I feel a hand on my shoulder. I look back and see Kirishima.

"Let's talk outside," he says. I nod. We walk outside. "What I'm about to tell you, only a few people know. That includes Mina, my parents, Aizawa, and Midoriya. I have depression caused by bullying."

"Mina I can understand, but I didn't know you and Deku were close."

"We had group therapy together. Apparently, Uraraka made him go. But that's not what this is about. Something Midoriya said during therapy once was he would forgive his bullies if they showed they changed, and you have."


**Ochaco's POV**

I walk into Izuku's room to see a crying Eri. I still remember having to tell her. I take her in my arms, and she cries harder. I just rock her back and forth, trying not to cry myself. All of a sudden, the bust opens, and Iida is standing there. "Come quickly, Midoriya is on TV." I quickly pick up Eri and run downstairs. When I enter, I see Deku fighting and talking to the League of Villains. I don't know how a news copter got there so fast. There are so many villains knocked out already, but more seem to keep coming. I can feel Eri tense up in my arms. I don't fear her quirk activated since Aizawa and Deku both helped her out a lot.

Deku's Last Stand: Love, Sacrifice, and VictoryOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant