"Oh well, he'll just have to get used to it because you're going to be getting your period for a long time," Yui stated, turning to her. She outreached her hand and Sachiko took it as the older woman guided her. 

Yui had allowed Sachiko to take the day off, so Sachiko spent most of the day in the garden. As she grew up, she started to notice more and more that no matter where she met a bodyguard was watching her. She was beginning to find it more invasive especially when she wanted private time, she knew she was never truly alone. That wasn't always good. 

She twisted the flower in her fingers as she made it grow and shrink. Sachiko was beginning to work on more offensive techniques, as she was beginning to realise that in combat she was useless. She focused on the flower as she willed just the stem to grow, as it slowly grew longer it began to grow stiffer as the green stem started to turn to cellulose. It formed a spiked end and she grew it rapidly into the nearby tree. It stuck into the wood and she looked at it impressed with herself. 

"You're getting better," A voice said startling the girl, a man she recognised as a gardener appeared in front of her. She gave me a small smile and nodded, she watched him wearily as he stood there awkwardly. His eyes went up to the sheets that hung on the line and her gaze followed, despite their best effects there was still a light pink stain where she had bled through this morning. "Ah you're a woman now," He stated, Sachiko didn't acknowledge his statement as she stood up and stepped away from him. This man creeped her out, she knew the majority of the gardeners by name but he was a fairly new one. 

"I'd appreciate it if you got on with your job," Sachiko stated, the man eyed her off before nodding and leaving the girl in peace. She let out a series of breaths from her nose as she tried to comprehend what had just happened. She glanced back at the bodyguard who didn't budge from his spot, she rolled her eyes and picked up the flower she had manipulated and returned it to its original state. 

She wandered towards the front entrance and leaned against the torii gate's pole as she watched people walk past going on with their day. It amazed her that non-sorcerers just went about their days unknown to them that curses wandered beside them effecting small parts of their days or ruining their lives. She had only seen a few in her lifetime, mostly fly heads that hung around areas that commonly had a lot of people. 

Sachiko glanced back at the house and nobody was near the entrance, her bodyguard had even disappeared. She pressed her lips together glancing between the street and the house, it wouldn't hurt to take a small walk. She nodded to herself before she stepped out onto the pathway and started walking blending into the crowd. 

It was nice just walking around without someone lurking behind her, or constantly being told by Satoru to hurry up. She ended up in a small park, the school had ended an hour before so there were children of all ages playing on the playground or around the playground. Sachiko sat down on one of the benches and just watched for a little while, it was strange seeing normal children having fun. She had always just known Satoru and occasionally the worker's children when they were brought to the estate. 

She felt something hit her leg, a soccer ball. She looked up and searched for the owners, a boy waved her down behind me a few more. "Hey, can you kick that back please?" He said, she stood up and kicked the ball towards him. He thanked her and they started playing again, she sat down again but was surprised when the boy came over to her. "Do you want to play with us? It's okay if you don't know how to play." 

"Sure," Sachiko said as the boy, around eight years old grabbed her wrist and dragged her over. He kicked the ball to her and she attempted to dribble it but tripped a little bit. She laughed at herself and the boys joined in before showing her how to do it. After about two hours, Sachiko called it quits after she lost many times but won the last one. "Thank you, I had a lot of fun." 

They waved to her as she let and headed back to the estate, it was nearing dinner time but not soon enough that they would be looking for her in the gardens yet. She took her time back, just strolling with her hands in her pockets playing with a loose thread. Soon she was back at the gates, and she was surprised to see multiple guards and the head standing outside the entrance to the house. One of them noticed her standing there and announced her presence with a relieved gasp. The head walked over to her with a concerned look on his face, he looked over her body. As soon as he realised she was fine, his concern turned into scolding. 

"Sachiko Chiyo, you know better than to leave the estate by yourself and to go out of your way to evade your guard to do so. Come inside, you will not do this again." He scolded, Sachiko attempted to tell him that her guard was not with her but he just held his hand up. She bowed her head and followed him silently. She glanced at the guards and spotted the one that had been watching her previously, he had a small smirk on his face as she passed. She glared at him but was told by the Head to hurry up. 

She was led to the Head's meeting room and he sat at the head of the room. Sachiko kneeled down keeping her head low as the Head stared at her with a stern look. "I'm really sorry, I didn't mean to cause you or anyone distress." She said the door slid open behind her and she glanced back with her head still low. Yui, Satoru and his mother entered. The head sighed as he placed his head in his hand, he didn't know how to deal with the situation. She had never acted out before, and she was not harmed but on this important day, she went missing so they could only think the worst. "I promise to not leave without someone escorting me, it was reckless." 

"Sachiko, it's okay. I'm sorry that you felt the need to apologise for a natural behaviour. I understand that this rule is a little restrictive but all we ask is that you go with someone until you are attending Jujutsu high school. Your bounty was put up today, the knowledge that you have started menstruating has already reached those we didn't want to know. We just need to know you can protect yourself if someone else is not there." The Head said, Sachiko looked up and nodded. A blush came to her face and the Head let out an awkward laugh as he stood up. Sachiko followed suit as her eyes followed him towards the exit where the other three stood, he glanced back at the girl. "This will be the last time I talk about your reproduction system." 

"I really appreciate it," She stated making them both laugh. He and Satoru's mother left the room.  Yui looked at her with a smile as she came and wrapped her arms around the girl, Sachiko smiled slightly before she looked up at Satoru. His face stayed emotionless as they stared into each other's eyes, he raised his eyebrows twice before heading to the dining room. That was their signal when they knew something else was bugging the other one. 

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