first day

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It is here the first day of UA, students are getting ready for their journey to become the best Heros they can be or just the best they can for students of the other courses of UA. They know they could move to hero course if they do good at the sports festival in a few months near the end of the first semester of school. Many hope that they can if not then after school they will try and find another way to be famous or heros. Now Midoriya and Shadow and Anubus are seen walking up to the school, as he is quirkless he is allowed two pokemon out of its pokeball in public when walking to and from places. He does switch them out from time to time with others but they are his main two. They will be in the back of the room with other partner pokemon of his classmates unless told otherwise like on test or if the teacher deems it a distraction.

"Hey, Midoriya how are you" Uraraka said as she catches site of him her Clafairy walking with her. "I forgot you had an Umbreon, I love Eevee evolutions. I want Sylvion or Espion my self." She said as she offered her hand to Shadow to see if she could pet him.

" l let Shadow pick I watched all vidios I could find with him as an Eevee for him to pick he wanted this one. I was fine with any of them so I let him pick" Midoriya said.

"Shadow? Oh, you gave him a nickname!" She said once she realized that.

"Yes many of my pokemon have been nicknamed. This is Anubus," he said as he pointed to Lucario. Who just nodded at her not one for attention from people that he did not know.

"How do you keep track of them if thats the case," Uraraka asks as the enter the school.

"How do you keep track of family and friends," Midoriya said, " I know who and what they are and I was the one that caught them made them part of my team  so I gave them a name. Some did not want one so they do not have one but they are few."

Uraraka was shocked she never thought of it like that before and in the long run can be useful as villains would have no clue as to what he was calling out with nicknamed pokemon. As they are walking she looks around and asks "so do you know where class is?"

"No but I know one of our classmates and his Aura so Anubus is looking for him, I know he is most likely there already and annoying others there," Midoriya said. He knows that he was in Katsuki's class so Anubus was to look for him once in the building. So far he has not changed direction so they must be going the right way.

"Wow must be useful to have him, he could find missing people in dangerous situations faster. How did you get him I know you said you studied Aura but how did you get a Lucario out of it." Uraraka sasked.

"From my instructor see it is customary for trainees of Aura to receive an egg containing a Riolu that they must raise themselves to a Lucario. I started training at 7 Anubus evoled shortly after my tenth birthday about 3 weeks after. Shadow and Peach had evolved the night of my tenth birthday." Midoriya informed her.

"Peach? Let me guess a grass type?" Uraraka asked.

"No, a Pikachu, she doesn't want to evolve so I won't force her to." Midoriya said, as the reached their classroom door.

"Remove your feet from the desk this instance it is disrespectful to the school and our upper classmen that used them before us," a voice said.

"And what's it to you four eye's its my desk now I'll do as I please! Who are you anyway extra!" Bakugou said.

"See Katsuki is already getting on the nerves of a classmate. Bakugou Katsuki is not one to make friends with just anyone," Midoriya said.

"Sorry  I have not introduced myself, I am Idia Tenya I went to Somei Academy,"  the blue haired boy from the exam said.

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