{{{{ attempt }}}}

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I had made it to the Kuiper belt. My last destination of my life as a celestrail. I started to have thoughts to do it even when its not my problem.
Who would even care if i'm gone? Who would even shed one tear about it. That's how worthless you are ganymede you can't do anything disagraceful moon.

Out of pain I did the first hit which made a cut on my head which made the water under my surface pour down onto my face but why should I care? It was enjoying so I did it again.this time damaging my eye causing water to fall free trough my face. But who would care? So I did it again causing my head to be dizzy. I did it again and again causing more damage so I couldn't wake up again.

When I finally thought it was enough I threw the watery asteroid out of space so I can't see it. So no one could. I started to lay down on my surface and enjoy these last moments of pain and suffering through my core. I accepted my fate. I closed my eyes and it looked like someone was coming for me. I couldn't let them seen what I did to myself it would be weird and concering if it was my planet jupiter. But how does he know i'm here?

They where coming closer and closer by . every . second . tick. tok. tick . tok.

Who was it ? They looked scary at angle but I coundn't float away from them. No no no no no no no no no no no no. It can't be jupiter... maybe it's saturn luckily? If it's jupiter I can't make an excuse. I begged my mind to be quiet as it picked me up. ''What happened ganymede.'' {he would say.} By the deep tone it was jupiter. I can't do anything because I was so weak I couldn't speak. I don't know what happened next but all I know is that iv'e been caught....

{ this is edited because blood from moons is kinda weird tbh <3}

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