Chapter 14: Crisis

Start from the beginning

He knows. What should you do now? Quick, improvise!

You snap his hand off of you and keep your eye contact, showing him that you're not impressed:

"So what? The entity chose me to be here with you all. Innocent or not, I am now a monster too."

He swiftly grabs your hand, the one you chased him off with, and squeezes it:

"Don't p'lay w'ith me! I can tell e'eryone how w'eak you are."

You try to pull your wrist off his grasp but he is too strong. You feel your anger rising:

"Tell them! I ain't scared! Remember what I did to Myers !"

You try to punch him but he dodges it and grabs your other hand. You're boiling. He's not scary anymore. You grit between your teeth:

"I know that some of you never killed before getting abducted. And I know you fought against the entity too. That's why you can't talk now."

You see a sparkle in his eyes, showing how much he's enjoying this conversation. Your voice is so full of rage that your very last words are struggling to leave your throat:

"I have been chosen for a reason. Gotta show you why I belong here."

You give him a headbutt, hurting yourself on his mouth device. The man falls on his back, releasing your hands to put them on his face. You should stop here but your anger is telling you 'You're not done yet'.
You jump on him and start punching his face. Right, left, right, left... he tries to catch your arms, to make you stop. You saw it and put your knees over his shoulders, blocking his limbs and leaving him at your mercy.
Your hands are bleeding from beating those metal scraps on his skull. You must have broken some bones. You smile for yourself. Gotta use your elbows then. You hit him more and more, creating dents all over his face.

Until you begin to levitate and get pulled off of him. Then, the entity spikes pierce you all over your body. It hurts so bad that you snap back to your normal behavior.
The doctor is standing up, limping from the commotion. His wounds are getting healed and he gives you a weird glare. One you can't put words on.

"Can't w'ait to catch you on n'ext trial."

He steps back, slowly melting into the crowd. All the killers have been attracted by the sounds of your fight. Most leave once the entity puts an end to it. Others stay around, discussing about your aggressiveness. It's the second time you've let your anger burst out with violence. On one hand, most of the killers believe you're one of them. But the counterpart is that some might get reluctant to become your ally, as they might consider you too unstable for this.

You want to sigh but only blood bubbles leave your mouth. What a mess...

Frank and his crew come to you:

"Well. I thought you were working for the entity but guess I was wrong."

He leans over your body, pressing both of his arms on your chest like on a table. Clearly taking advantage of your inability to move or answer.

"It should last for less than an hour. Thirty minutes if you're lucky."

You can't see him but you know it was Joey who tried to reassure you. Sweet boy. The girls are oddly quiet but you won't be able to ask them why. You can't even look at them. Only Frank had come close enough for you to see his masked face.

"I'll be honest, I was pissed when you made fun of me the first time we met. It was very humiliating, you know."

You nod slightly, your chin bumping into the spike through your neck.
He gets his arms away and rubs your hair.

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