Chapter 12: Setting up boundaries

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As soon as the fog vanishes, you take a look around and see a big paddle steamer surrounded by muddy swamps.

You are at the Pale Rose, in Backwater swamp.

You rush to the second floor of the boat to scout the area, trying to spot any of your friend, or that maniac with a chainsaw.
You get a glimpse of a purple jacket hiding in the tall grass. Yui.
Farther away, Jonah is starting a generator.
You hear the high pitch sound of the chainsaw on your right. You turn your head and watch Yun-jin doing her best to survive against the psychotic Texan, running around the shack.

Yui has joined Jonah on that gen, in the middle of a loop made out of crates and dead wood.

You turn around and get your hands dirty into the mechanic of the gen next to you.

Yun-jin got downed and the first gen pops.  Yours is more than half repaired.

You take a look over the edge of the steamer and watch the korean girl getting carried into the shack.
You had hope that the Cannibal wouldn't follow the game's cliche... and yet, it is happening. He's bringing her to the basement and he will camp her ass until she dies.

There is nothing to do but rushing the gens and getting out.

Wait. Did you talk about this to the others?

Fuck, no!

You activate your generator and sprint out of the Pale Rose, searching for your mates before they try anything.
You bump into Jonah who seems chocked to see you:

"You?! Were have you been? We searched for you in the forest for so long."

Shit. You remember that he was part of the exploration group you deserted to find the killers. You didn't expect to give explanations so soon. Gonna make it quick.

"They got me! I heard a noise in my right and as soon as I got separated, someone grabbed me and pull me to the killers camp. They are holding me hostage for now."

The man leaves his defensive attitude and shows empathy to your lie:

"We gotta save you. As soon as we find the..."

"I might have an escape plan, I'll just need a bit more time to find the good opportunity. But we got more important to do now, where's Yui?"

He points at the shack:

"She was going to the basement, saving Yun-jin."

"We need to stop her. We can't save her, Bubba is still down there."

"His name's Bubba? Whatever, we know he is waiting for us to save. He has been doing this a lot. But we never leave someone behind."

You point to the generator on the shrimp boat:

"Ok, I got it. I'll help Yui, you do that gen. We need to have someone working on the objectives or we're all doomed in the end."

You leave your friend behind and jog to the little cabin. As you get closer, you meet Yui a the top of the staircase. You whisper:

"Yui. Wait for me. We got to work together."

She looks as surprised as Jonah but regain her seriousness faster, waiting for instructions.

"I'll distract him and as soon as he miss an attack or make some distance with the hook, you save her."

"What about you?"

"You can't do much for me. I will do my best to survive. If I get caught, give up on me and escape."

She gives you a stare, saying that she won't follow that last order and walk down the stairs with you. You sign her to stay hidden for now and get ready act up when she sees an opportunity.

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