six | jealousy, jealousy

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After the group finished up with their competition, most of them talk to their sponsors except for Summer and Bax. Not wanting to get in the middle of business talk, Florentina decides to hang around Summer even if that means listening to Bax scolding her best friend about surfing. Something about waiting for the right wave, but she tunes out the advice because she definitely doesn't understand a thing.

Flo only snaps back into the conversation when Summer starts to hop off of the railing they're seated on. Grabbing her arm, Flo questions, "Where are you going?" Although she says it calmly, the expression on her face practically says 'please don't leave me here with him'.

"I'm just, um," Summer searches for a way to force her friend into alone time with the guy that's totally crushing on her, "I'm going to go talk to some sponsors about some... stuff."

Flo knows that's a load of bullshit. "If it's money you're after for surfing, I've got that!" Summer keeps walking away and Flo resorts to raising her voice, "I hate you!" She doesn't though.

Bax chuckles at the girl's pleads and leans on the railing unnecessarily close to Flo. Crossing her arms, the stubborn teen refuses to make eye contact with him.

"Rapunzel..." He drags the word out, almost sounding like he's singing it. "Are you mad at me?"

She keeps her voice monotone. If she shows weakness then he'll feed off of it. "Why would I be mad at you?" Flo scoots further down the railing to put some distance between him and her.

"Because of that girl. Or is it jealousy?" Flo drags her eyes to him and annoyance fills her as she sees his annoying smirk.

She leans forward slightly and speaks in a low tone, "You're not even worth my time."

Bax closes the distance yet again and leans down next to her ear. "Liar," he whispers, "You're jealous of her." Okay, so maybe for just a few hours she had been upset over what happened but now she can admit it was never truly jealousy, but it was just frustration. But she definitely doesn't have feelings for him.


She so badly wants to see that look on his face drop. Not taking a second to actually think through her words, she whispers back, "I made out with Marlon like 10 minutes before that." She leans back to look him in the eyes and is satisfied when she sees the dark look on his face. A piece of hair falls over his eyes and she reaches up to brush it back. It's her turn to smirk as she states, "Aw, look at you. I think you're the jealous one."

Bax's eyes never leave her and she can feel it as she strides away from him and joins Summer's side. Little does she know, the boy's eyes light up as the gears in his head start to turn. He has an idea.

"You got a sponsorship?!" It only takes a nod from Summer for the two girls to start squealing in excitement. They pull each other in to a tight hug and jump around. "I'm so happy for you!"

The two girls break their hug and Summer grabs Flo's shoulder and reassures her, "And as long as we keep saying you're like my financial support or something, then I can bring you wherever."

"Your coach started calling me "Moneybags" anyway." Summer rolls her eyes with a smile as Flo absolutely beams at her. "Also, though, would it be horrible of me to say that I don't really feel like coming to the photo shoot today?"

Summer punches her friend lightly on her shoulder, happily saying, "You know, you're not required to show up to everything."

A frown takes over Flo's face and she mumbles, "I know, but I care about all of you. Well, except for Wren. And Ari. And Griff." The two girls burst out laughing.

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