two | bloody nose

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Not long after the whole "Rapunzel" situation, Summer had called Florentina to ask for a ride. She didn't even hesitate to say yes. Let's just say that she's desperate to rid her thoughts of the annoying stranger with pink hair.

So, here she is honking outside of the house Summer and her mother are staying in. The first sign of life is Summer bursting through the front door so fast that Flo wouldn't be surprised if it flew off of its hinges. "What the hell?" That being the first words from her best friend, Florentina is more than confused.

With furrowed eyebrows, she turns her blaring music almost all the way down to ask, "What? What's wrong?"

"That's what you're driving?" Summer's face is full of shock, but Florentina still hasn't quite figured out what she's freaking out over. "A Porsche? Seriously?" Her confusions turns into child-like excitement after the revelation.

Tilting her sunglasses down to look at her friend more clearly, Flo winks at her. "It isn't so bad, is it? Seriously, we're riding in style!" Summer finally gets in the car and buckles herself. Then she pulls on the belt just to double check that it's clicked and working. Florentina may have just a little bit of a speeding problem.

Summer playfully punches her in the shoulder and Flo's jaw drops open dramatically. She acts like she's been badly injured before lunging over the center console to mess up Summer's hair. Both of the girls start laughing and they start pulling out of the driveway. They don't get far before Summer starts interrogating her, "Wasn't there a cheaper option?"

She smirks. "This was the cheaper option. Anyway," Flo has been eager to see where her friend's head has been at since the whole Ari and Wren dilemma. "Do you want to talk about... you know?"

"Not yet. But thank you." Summer shakes her head, completely pushing aside all emotions pertaining to the question. Then, suddenly, her expression does a complete 180. She lights up with a sneaky grin. "But you know what I do want to talk about? What happened with you and that guy that I left you with in the locker room? I totally saw him basically eye fucking you."

Flo's cheeks go a bright, cherry red and the tips of her ears start burning. "What? Nothing. "Eye fucking" is really dramatic. That is not what happened." Except she says it way too fast for Summer to just let it slide.

The sly girl leans in closer to Flo who pushes her away so she doesn't get distracted while driving. Some would say that Florentina's driving is already bad enough without distractions. "Something definitely happened. Tell me, tell me, tell me!" Flo breaks even though Summer hasn't pried too hard. That's how it has always been between the two: no secrets. And, if there are any, then it's only because they're not ready to share them with each other. But they always communicate that they're not ready yet, just like how Summer had responded to her when Flo asked about The Douche and his fake-as-fuck girlfriend.

"Fine, okay! So it wasn't really anything. Technically...." Flo glances at Summer who looks completely intrigued. "But he got really close and I definitely freaked out and ran away. Literally ran away. But then I also saw him, like, an hour ago and he called me his Rapunzel." Running her hand through her hair and gesturing to a strand of brown, she questions, "Do I look fucking blonde to you, Summer? Blondes suck." The two can't help but laugh about it.

Their conversation is cut off as Summer dramatically screams, "Stop the car!" and Flo slams on the brakes so hard that she almost smacks her forehead against her steering wheel. Flo turns to Summer with a face that says 'What the fuck?'. Said girl completely ignores her, practically hanging out of the car as she shouts to a young girl, "Nice kick flip!"

The little girl lights up with one of the brightest smiles that Flo has ever seen in her life. Studying her closer, Flo lights up with a similar smile once she recognizes that the little girl's name is Honey. When they were back in New York, Summer loved to show Flo pictures and Flo loved to see them. One of the people she had been the biggest fan of was Honey. Now, this is someone she has been beyond excited to meet. Putting the car in park, she jumps out to collapse her seat in order to let Honey in the backseat. With one added passenger, they continue to their destination.

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