Chapter 4

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As the white haired girl walked away she thought to herself, "that looked so similar to mine and dads..." As she continued to walk she thought more and more about the blue haired man. 

"That couldn't have been my brother could it...?" She thought while nearing her destination. "It's whatever it's not like he's going to be trouble, only the traveler..." She finishes her thoughts as she reaches her room. 

"Y/N..." She turned around to be met with Dottore. "Where were you?" He asks while looking her up and down in order to check to see if she got injured anywhere. 

"Oh you know just checking out the nearby scenery..." She replies, well Doctor I must be turning in for the night. We have quite a long day tomorrow." She opens her room door and takes a few steps in. "Goodnight Dottore." She smiles at him then closes her door.

He sighs as he walks back to his chambers across the hall, "Why can't you just explain your past to me. I told you mine..." He thinks as he lays down on his very comfortable bed. 

Y/N sighs as she goes to the bathroom to get prepared for the night. "I wish I could just tell someone what I'm thinking...but the Tsaritsa and dad already know because they went through it with me..." She looks at herself in the mirror and as she looks at her cryo vision she lets the tears come down. 

"Why couldn't they have left us alone...We didn't do anything wrong, and now my people are dying because people see them as monsters..." She cries out to the world. "Why did they have to curse me with immortality!? I have no reason to be punished!" 

As she cries she doesn't realize how loud she's being. These words she's saying catches the attention of a blonde, tall, man who also just so happens to have his eye covered. 

"Immortality...curse...monsters..." He thinks to himself as he leans on the wall closest to her room. "I know that I'm not the only survivor but is she possibly one...?" He closes his eyes while listening to her. 

"I just want this curse to be cured I didn't ask for any of this!" As she continues to cry she looks at her vision once more, realizing that although her old home was destroyed she had a new one. One that wasn't destroyed. 

As she tries to calm herself she hears a knock at her door. As she stands to see who it is she wipes her eyes and tries to cover the traces of tears. 




As the knocking got louder the closer she got to the door, and as she opens it she meets the worried gaze of....

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