Species bio:

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Martians also known as Nexians are race of Type 1 inter-stellar, vastly hyper-intelligent and naturally rc-sized apex robotic and autonomous meta-human mechanical organisms that are from the planet mars, secretly a energy and technological hyper-advanced and supreme planet.  They was created by nexus magma as both individuals and war machines. they can transform into rc vehicles and they possess hyper-advanced and supreme cutting edge technology and firepower. They are every measurable way different from humans except similar in emotions. they are tall, sturdy and thick than the lunar bears and can also powerlink that Enables the Martians to merge with any Martians or any lunar bears, creating a combined entity with exponentially increased power and capabilities.
Physiology/Biology: the Martians is made of a top notch hyper-advanced, hyper developed, hyper-dense, exotic and living cutting edge smart metal and incredibly rare metallic substance and inorganic high polymer called Xentium, an strongest and durable living smart golden metal it's natural colouration is a shining metallic gold with a matte and glossy finish., However it can be tinted or it's colors changed at the molecular level through alchemical processes by Martian scientists or during the creation of a Martian by nexus magma but it acts both like silicon and titanium. It has energy-absorption and heat and shock-resistant properties and it is also extraordinarily and extremely resilient and sturdier due to its rigid and high density However, unlike other metals Xentium barely conducts or retains any amount of heat nor radiation, it can withstand and high and extreme amounts of enormous pressures, freezing cold, heat, friction, water, radiation and electricity. It can absorb incredible and extreme amounts of damage and then reform all tears or punctures over a period of time but it cannot regenerate when the Martians suffered the most of severe and dangerous injuries. it has the consistency of plastic but the incredible and extreme tensile strength and hardness of Graphene and diamond but flexible as Stainless steel and carbon nanotubes. their exoskeleton and endoskeleton are made of hyperalloys. only Martians and aliens or their technology is able to penetrate Xentium. their body structure is made of two rare elements called ununtrium and death crystals. Their energy capacity is 20%, allowing the Martian to remain active for extended durations due to a lattice that mixes a gold and cobalt oxides. their muscle fibers are made of meta-aramid mesh fibers that is composed of microscopic Microfibers that can intertwine and mend themselves instantly With exceptional tensile strength and flexibility. at a quantum level, both their Martian red embers, a spirit and life force of the Martians (it looks like a bright red square and it's an electrically charged mass of electrons). their bodies are made of a exotic version of dark matter and particle-wave matter, which contains the isotope deuterium and The Martians have both an Endo-skeleton and an bulletproof exoskeleton that are colored in jet black with bright red steam lines, the Martians have seven thick fingers and thick toes, bionic elf-pointed ears and they have 3 immortal red embers (sparks but are sub-atomic microfusion reactors and is charged with electrons and neutrons It is a crucial component of an Martians as its resonance connects the vessel with the consciousness of the being that is controlling it. Without it an Martian would be mindless being like any machine) that are protected inside by three Hyper-Condensed Energon Core. They have three hyper-advanced t-cogs, hyper-advanced X 1000 quantum multi-core brain processor that has 6g terabytes, dental bio-bombs, 32 hyper-advanced high percussion, psycho-esthetic indication circuitry, rotatable body, Neural Inhibitors, supreme power generator and transmission systems, self-energy efficient sustenance, Enhanced Optic Processor with meta-human vision, 16k resolution and better graphics and hyper-advanced electrode arrays with hundreds of megapixels in full color, nuncio-vox and vox mirco bead, meta-human hyper-metabolisms, Spinal Stabilizers, neuromorphic Co-processors, rotatable modular limbs. The Martians have hyper-advanced and enhanced immune system, hardened jointed segments, greater white matter transmission and greater grey matter processing efficiency, Location Permanence, Hyper-Linguistic Translation organ, waterproof and shock resistant armored enclosure, bio-engineering, psycho-surgery, gene-craft, Nano-Enhanced Bloodstream, Solar Panel Array, in-changeable parts, meta-human touch, recoil absorption systems, meta-human hearing, enhanced Multisensory receptors and Multisensory organs, energy storage systems, hyper-advanced military hardware and software, golden bones, ultra power 100 cargo, biological solar cells, highly developed, acute sharp and sophisticated sense of hearing and smell, auto-senes suite, Hyper-Refraction Lenses and Hyper-Visor Optics, hyper-Advanced Superconducting Circuitry, maneuvering system, kerenzikov, synaptic signal optimizer, micro-sensors, improved adipocytes, projectile launch system, superior motor bundles, slightly large enhanced organs, feedback circuit, limbic system enhancement, cellular immortality, nanorelays, improved cellulose digestion, memory boost, meta-human endurance, smart link, meta-human stamina, microphone processor and speaker translator, meta-human dexterity, emp immunity, foreign chemical resistance, meta-human strength, synaptic accelerator, meta-human durability, hyper-advanced Sonic emitters and Quantum Scent Resonators, meta-human speed, expanded corpus callosum, reinforced tendons, hyper-advanced  hud system, increased cell division and cell density, high-yield dense bone marrow, servo-assisted interfaces, duplicate power-cabling, force multiply circuits, epimorphic Regeneration, reinforced ankles joints, hyper-advanced  100 terabyte hard drive and software components, hyper-advanced sub-system, 85 hyper-advanced super micro-chips, self-repair function, hyper-advanced regenerative healing factor, meta-human reflexes, hyper-advanced cooling systems, hyper-advanced disguising mechanisms, gorilla arms, cortical hyper folding, increased glial cell density, additional mechanical and artificial organs, cerebral communication chips, additional technical components, nanomaterials, metamaterials, thermal dissipator membranes, motivation circuits,
Reworked pain reception and high pain tolerance, ocular targeting implants, reinforced bone density, enhanced senses, large diameter nerves, reinforced synaptic pathways, Energon Synthesis, vacuum-hardened organs and circulatory system, Neural Network Matrix, hyper-dense muscular and bone systems, fast-twitch muscle fibers, dialyzer, Fatigue Resistance, hyper-cognition, anspex biosensors suite, increased resistance to extreme temperatures, gravity and radiation, lavaproof resistance, Multitronics-based quantum computer systems, nanoscopic nanowire circuitry and quantum microcircuits, high red and white blood cell count, bio-optimized organs, composite golden claws, composite skeleton, adaptive gene expression, advanced optical features, telomeric additions, fast-twitch muscles fibers, two sets of razor sharp and retractable golden fangs and daggers, phase change musculature and sinew coils, enhanced collagen, quantum memory cells, long-chained myosin fibers and second set of traditional fiber-base muscles, internalized servo system, Energy Storage Reactors, Diamagnetism Matrix, near-perfect target recognition systems, slightly extended and incredibly muscular limbs, energy absorber units, superconducting fibrafication of neural dendrites, protein complex implant, catalytic thyroid implant, Occipital Capillary Reversal implant, nano-microfibers, adrenal thermal metabolism, cyclosynthetic neural transmission gene sequences, Leukocytic co-protein and microfiber spindelace, and neuron surface viral microphages, massive reinforced optical nerves, sharp extremities, increased cranial and brain size, kinetic stabilization mechanisms, high low hydraulics, enhanced sensory perception, reinforced skull plates, Excellent Structural Integrity, more centralized nervous system, anterior conductors with ionized carbide and folded ionite
Weight: The Martians, with their hyper-dense and advanced Xentium-based bodies, weigh approximately 500 kilograms (1102 pounds) each. This weight surpasses the formidable Spartans from the Halo universe and even rivals the imposing Space Marines of Warhammer 40k, underlining the sheer density and strength of their metallic composition. This weight provides them with both incredible durability and imposing physical presence, setting them apart as formidable entities in the cosmic landscape.
Characteristics(appearance)/phenotype: the Martians look like rougher and rugged robotic and mechanical yetis and polar bears(both yetitrons and bonuts respectively) with two arms, two legs and one torso and one head but with two brains with thick and extended seven fingers and seven toes, possess high muscle-mass. but some Martians have six or multiple optics and have bulkier and extremely muscular robotic frame and have bright red streamline lights under their amour. They have razor sharp bone protrusions around their shoulders, neck and spine (in robot mode). their bodies are colored in various of colors (white and black and orange for zadmius) their body design is a mix of the idw comics and transformers war for cybertron. their insignia is a bright red crowned skull and golden crowned skull(disguise mode) with three horns on its sides of its head, a stylized crescent-shaped emblem beneath it represents the unity and crescent power of Mars, hypercircuitry patterns symbolizes the fusion of Martian resilience and advanced technology, intertwining circuits and interlocking gears, representing three core principles of wisdom, unity, and progress and Surrounding the central elements is a golden laurel wreath, a symbol of honor and accomplishment. three eyes representing their omnipotent, omniscient and powerful Elterich universal god of chaos, darkness and destruction, nexus magma. Overall the insignia they wear the insignia as a badge of honor, courage, unrelenting diligence and a watchman whose vigilance will never tire and even cold-hearted justice. And the Martians of the gala imperium have a insignia of a stylized sun with blades extending from its core, a green 3 headed hydra is placed in the center, and cryptic glyphs and symbols around the circle of the insignia represent a mysterious and powerful element overall the insignia represents their deceit, deception and espionage. the Martians have paired Mandibles which is located on under their double chin and they have Hyper-Visor optics(this varies from Martian to Martian with some of them having multiple optics) and optics that are colored in ruby red and Iris can but it can be varied from Martian to Martian that range from vibrant hues of red, amber, and gold to deep shades of crimson and maroon. they have sharp golden teeth and razor-sharpened (top and bottom) incisors.  their entire body is layered and laminated with a carbon fiber weave and carbon fiber/tungsten fiber composites and the Martians have thermal regulator systems that Regulates internal temperature, preventing overheating and allowing adaptation to extreme environments. The Martians have Multi-Tool Appendage Interface system which Equips the Martians with versatile appendages for various tasks, Inertial Dampening Coil: Enhances agility and stability by regulating and amplifying momentum. Interesting the Martians have an ember Stabilizer Ensures stable and controlled energy output from the Martian's three embers and a echolocation transceiver which enhances navigation. The Martians's endoskeleton and exoskeleton have a lot more waterproof electronics running through it and upper body mass. The Martians have rear independent suspension with double wishbone, heavy duty gearbox internals, Xentium turnbuckles digital servo, avc telemetry surface receiver, an efficient transmitter, reinforced drivetrain and coil-over shocks in their endoskeleton. the denizens of Martians are physically stronger, durable and extremely tough than humans due to them having incredible upper-body strength, bulletproof exoskeleton and endoskeleton Structure. their skin and bones is four times denser and harder to pierce. their cellular structure is much more dense, resilient and biologically more effective then organic tissue. Martians are able to tank bullets, missiles, and even nuclear weapons and a Martian can run faster than a athlete, place their hand in boiling water or within a roaring flame without flinching, even wounds that would kill any earthly creature are said to not be enough to stop a Martian and they will not stop till they or their enemies are dead, the only thing that is capable of injuring or killing a Martian are their own and alien weaponry capable of piercing a Martian bodies and other Martians and the Martians are characterized by their ruthless and unrelenting indomitable steel will and iron faith to archive whatever goals they have in mind no matter the cost and Their skull is extremely thick, able to absorb impacts that would cave in a human head due to them being made of Xentium, and therefore they were been able to continue functioning, despite all the damage they constantly receives.

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