New friend, named Minato

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A tall guy, looking at least 6'3, came into the bus stop. Not looking much older then haruki. Strangely.. haruki was intrigued. Maybe he wanted to be friends with him?

★𓇽✫彡 Haruki's pov ★𓇽✫彡
I was sitting in the corner of the bus stop, my little sister beside me, on her phone. I didn't pull out my phone, didn't really need too. I had my mind to entertain me.. it always was like that. I heard footsteps after 4 minutes or so.. I didn't take much notice of it, I'm not that nosy. I just minded my own business. I looked up, just to see what kind of person I'll have to sit next too. He was tall, quite handsome, and cold faced. I was a bit intrigued.
🝮ミ★𝐭𝐡𝐢𝐫𝐝 𝐩𝐞𝐫𝐬𝐨𝐧 𝐩𝐨𝐯🜸༆

Haruki looked back down, laying his head down against the wall of the bus stop, resting his eyes to get at least a bit of rest before the classes he so dreaded. The mysterious guy sat down beside Haruki, as there was only one seat left and that was beside the resting Haruki. The mysterious guy looked at him, but didn't say anything. Haruki looked at him as well as he felt eyes on him..


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Haruki looked away before things got more.. awkward. So did the mysterious guy. Haruki suspected that he was the new student. There was always a new student, every year.
That's why their classroom had so many students. At least 29-38 students in each class.


The mysterious guy opened his book bag, took out his phone, and opened it. His eyes widened.. then he got up and left in an instant. Haruki was scared to admit that he was curious. Why did he leave? Was there any reason? Is he okay? Is the kind of question Haruki would ask himself in his mind.

★𓇽✫彡 Mysterious guys pov ★𓇽✫彡
"God.. I'm so stupid. I forgot my lunch again.. now I'll be late for the first day of school! Goddd.. I Wonder why that guy was just staring at me. Quite odd. Oh well...."

🝮ミ★𝐭𝐡𝐢𝐫𝐝 𝐩𝐞𝐫𝐬𝐨𝐧 𝐩𝐨𝐯🜸༆
The tall guy made it to his house, 10 minutes later. He grabbed his bento box from the fridge, and placed it inside his book bag. He hurried back to the bus stop.. but missed it 5 minutes ago. He left the bus stop, and ran for the school out of breath.
❦⁂꥟time skip, another 10 minutesミ★꧂
He made it too the principals office, collecting his schedule.
"Thank you, mrs. Sorry for being late."
He bows in apology then leaves for his history class. He finds Haruki waiting for him by the lockers outside the classroom.. why was that? He was curious to why he waited when he could've just went inside the classroom.
The mystery guy spoke, looking down at the tiny one in front of him.

"Why did you wait? Is there any.. reason?-"
He asked, tilting his head. He was curious.
"It took a moment for Haruki to respond. Then he did.
" reason...just didn't want you in trouble alone."
Haruki looked away with his eyes. The taller guy was a bit curious and quite shocked. "Oh.. okay then. Let's go to class before we are even more late..."
They went into class, getting scolded by the teacher for being 4 minutes late from class.
"Haruki! Minato! Your late!? On the first day!?"
"So I suppose his name is Minato.." Haruki thought to himself, as he wasn't listening to the teacher scolding them.
Minato and Haruki both went to their seats when their teacher finished scolding them both. Haruki was focusing on his work.. Minato beside him doing his. They were sitting on the far back, on the same table. The table was one of those long tables, that can fit 2 people. It was history class, and it was quite the hard class for the both of them.

 It was history class, and it was quite the hard class for the both of them

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But after an hour and 20 minutes the class they dreaded was over. They Trotted out of that classroom, letting out a sigh of relief. One thing they shared in common was that they both disliked history class. Haruki had bad memory, so he can't remember much of history class ,and Minato dislikes it because- he just dislikes it. He kinda does forget everything about it as well.
As they were walking, Haruki interrupted the silence.
"So um.. your names Minato?.." he asked casually, opening his locker to put his history textbook away. "Yeah, it is. Haruki is yours?" Minato had replied and asked a question.
"Yeah.. so um- wanna sit together for lunch?.. my sister already has a group of girlfriends, and I don't wanna interrupt that.." Haruki replied, grabbing his bento box from his locker.
"Sure.. I don't have anyone else to sit with anyways."
They went to the cafeteria, and sat down on one of the rather small tables. They ate in silence, not saying anything to each other. Haruki had sticky rice, shaped into a square. It had a tiny smile and tiny beady eyes made with soy sauce, because Getsumei and Haruki made their bentos together and Getsumei added those. He had cooked salmon, dressed with pepper, salt and soy sauce. He had 3 rice balls for the side dish, the inside salmon. That's his favourite kind of fish, he had it with everything.
Minato had sushi for his meal, the California roll to be exact. He had 2 rice balls for his side dish, and for his last side dish he had Japanese pudding.
"So, where in Japan are you from?" Haruki asked, taking a bite from his second rice ball.
"Osaka. Moved from home to live in Tokyo for fathers work."
They continued to eaten silence. It didnt bother Haruki or Minato, being able to sit with someone was already enough.

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