chapter three

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"So, how are things going?" June asks. She sits on Alex's couch and looks at him with a grin, blinking innocently.

"You're so nosey," Alex sighs from his bed, lying down, his eyes focused on the ceiling.

"What are sisters for?" June shrugs. "Other than to pester their brothers, especially when it comes to their love life."

"I don't think you can really call it a love life," Alex mumbles. "Especially when there's nothing really happening."

June pauses. "Honestly, I think this is the best favour you could have ever been asked," she says genuinely.

Alex sits up, pivoting so his back is resting against his wall and his legs extend over the side of his bed. "How?"

"You get your college covered just for flirting with a super hot guy with an undoubtedly rich family," June says animatedly.

"I wouldn't say hot," is all Alex says.

June sighs. "What would you say then?"

"Conventionally attractive," Alex begins. "...With a nice body."

"Ha!" June points at him. "I knew you were frothing over him!"

"Okay, I wouldn't go that far," Alex puts his hand up to shush her. "He's just annoyingly perfect in every way and it makes me want to punch him," Alex pauses. "Not sure what that means... Do I still hate him?"

"Cute aggression is definitely what you're describing," June says.

"What the fuck is that?"

"When you find something so cute it makes you mad or aggressive," June explains.


June laughs, knowing she's right. Alex isn't sure what to do with that information. Before Alex can think too deeply about it, June's phone buzzes.

"So, Pez just texted," June announces. "He wants to know if we want to get lunch with Nora and Henry."

Alex groans. "Do I have to?"

"No," June says.

"Okay fine, stop asking, I'll come," Alex sighs, getting up from his bed.

"Okay," June says, poorly concealing her amusement.

Approximately an hour later, Alex and June arrive at a nearby café that Pez texted June to meet at. Henry, Pez and Nora are already sitting at a table outside of the café as they approach, immersed in conversation.

"The party has arrived," Alex announces, drawing their attention. "Oh, and June's here too."

June rolls her eyes as she and Alex take a seat. Alex sits across from Henry and June across from Nora. "He's been rotting in his room up until now."

"That was me recharging," Alex corrects.

"Anyway," Pez says suddenly. "What would you guys like? Nora and I will go order if you guys keep our table."

"I'll get the beef burger," Alex says immediately.

"I'll get..." Henry trails off, skimming the menu in front of him. "The eggs your way on toast. Scrambled."

"Boring," Alex says. Henry lets a quiet sigh escape.

"Can we share something, Nor?" June asks sweetly.

"Like what?" Nora asks with a raised eyebrow.

"Um..." June drawls as she stands up from her seat. She shoots knowing eyes to Alex and then casually glances back at Nora. "I'll just come order with you."

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