"I've lost count to tell you the truth, June," Nora sighs, leaning her head back on the couch. Alex rolls his eyes.

"Yeah, Henry mentioned that..." Pez says quietly.

"I sense a pause," Nora says.

Pez sighs and Alex, Nora and June look at him expectantly. "He had a huge fight with Connor that night. Connor is basically guilt-tripping him for moving here and is confusing Henry by saying he'll be better if he comes back... I don't even know where he is right now. He left this morning and I'm worried he's going to go back to London and get back with him."

"Oh," Alex says. Pez's look of concern that washes over his face is enough to pull at Alex's heartstrings, despite the grudge he's holding on his friend.

"I promise Henry isn't as bad as you think. He just... needs some help getting his confidence back. All I want is for you to just flirt with him a little, it doesn't have to be serious. Just a summer fling to get Connor out of his head. Alex, he needs to let go of Connor. I really think you two would get along. I need you to try. Please. I need my best friend back."

"I don't know, Pez," Alex starts. "I don't even think he likes me."

"He's just guarded," Pez says. "If you do this, I can pull some strings and get your tuition completely covered. You'll basically be on a scholarship."

"You can do that?" June blurts, her eyes wider than ever. Alex feels his heart drop to his stomach. His parents worked so hard for the money they put in for June and Alex's college tuition, and since June got a scholarship, that was the only way they could even afford for both of them to go to college. He considers that it would be nice for his parents to be able to keep the money for themselves.

"I can't really do this often, but Alex I can't watch this anymore. I finally got him here," Pez pleads. "Please, just think about it."

The door handle abruptly jiggles and everyone looks over to the door. A disheveled Henry, wearing tracksuit pants and an oversized hoodie opens the door and instantly freezes upon seeing everyone's eyes on him.

Henry slowly walks in, hesitant in his movement. "Hello?"

"Where have you been?" Pez looks at him with nothing other than concern. Henry pulls down his sleeves as his eyes scan around the room.

"Um, I needed a walk and then..." Henry pauses, his eyes flicking to the ground to avoid eye contact with Pez. "Connor called."

"What did he want?" Pez asks coldly, Alex begins to think he asks Henry this a lot.

"His dad is sick," Henry almost whispers.

Pez's eyebrows furrow and he crosses his arms. "Bullshit."


Pez sighs, relaxing his demeanor. "He's manipulating you, Henry. He knows that will be a soft spot for you," Pez says softly. "You know what he's like..." He trails off as Henry goes to open his mouth but nothing leaves. He stands there for a moment, his face carefully blank.

"I know, Pez."

And with that, Henry turns on his heel and heads to his room, the door clicking shut behind him. It leaves a deafening silence in the room he left. June, Nora and Alex all share a look. Alex can't believe he's about to agree to this.

"Fine," Alex breaks the silence. Pez turns his head to him.


"I'll do it," Alex states, reluctantly.

"You will?" Nora asks in disbelief.

"Yeah, but no promises that it'll work."

"Maybe now that you have to be nice to him you'll be more pleasant," June offers. Alex just groans, wondering why he even agreed to this.

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