"Ha!" June laughs and points at Alex. "You think he's hot, I know that look on your face!"

Nora laughs a little too hard for Alex's liking.

"Um, just because I like guys that does not mean I like him," Alex scoffs, only half lying.

"Yeah but he's objectively attractive," Nora says.

"Well, not to me." Now, he's fully lying.

There's a knock at the door.

"Why can't you two be as polite as your British friend and knock like Pez," Alex says as he gets up from his bed to open the door. "Percy! The man of the hour! Thank God you're here!"

"Oh, hello?" Pez looks puzzled as he walks in.

"Your friends here are trying to pawn me off to your new roommate," Alex huffs as he dramatically sits back down on his bed. Pez leans on the wall by the door and smiles.

"That's not a bad idea actually."


"Henry could use a distraction, and you're basically his type," Pez says, waving his arm up and down. Alex doesn't know how he feels about this but he does know he's not about to be some beautiful man's rebound.

Alex scoffs."Well... Unfortunately for him, he is not using me as a rebound and sadly for him, there's no one else like me."

"Thank god," June mumbles.

"Who gave you this ego?" Nora asks.

"I have eyes, Nora."

"Anyway," Pez continues, trying to stifle a laugh. "He's just moved here away from his toxic ex and I think he's blowing up his phone trying to get him back. So, it would be wonderful if you could show him that there's some American babes here."

"Firstly, thank you, I am a babe," Alex begins, "Secondly, I would rather lick the bottom of your shoe."

"Well, I tried," Pez shrugs and sits on the couch adjacent to Alex's bed.

"What happened with Henry and Connor?" Nora asks seriously, "I thought they were still together to be honest."

"Well, they're very on and off... I finally convinced Henry to transfer and study here because Connor was just causing so much unnecessary drama so he wasn't doing great with grades," Pez sighs. "And Connor was just such an asshole when Henry's dad died so I've always just hated them together. Henry barely talks about his dad or Connor anymore... He definitely needed this fresh start."

"Oh yeah, that was only like a year or so ago, wasn't it? Henry and his sister Bea held some charity event and—" Alex chimes in, everyone looks at him simultaneously. "I remember... There was a tribute video."

"Since when did you know so much about the Fox family?" Nora asks, finally sitting down beside Pez.

"It was all over Twitter!" Alex yells defensively. "I don't live under a rock."

Nora looks unconvinced. "If you say so."

"Anyway," Pez drawls, changing the topic. "Are you guys going to the end-of-semester campfire tomorrow night?"

"Does a bear shit in the woods?" Alex asks rhetorically.

"Yeah, June and I are. How come?" Nora asks.

"I'm going to convince Henry to come, to show him around, introduce him to people, and I was wondering if you guys wouldn't mind if he hangs with us?"

"We don't mind!" June chirps, she grins as another thought comes to her. "Maybe Henry will find a rebound at the party."

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