Jiang Qiuyue snorted coldly. After she got married, it didn't matter what her family did to her. It had nothing to do with her whether they wanted to get through or merge rooms.

However, when she was still at home and that small room was still her territory, Jiang Qiuyue would chop off the claws of anyone who dared to think about it.

Not to mention her strong attitude towards this matter, Jiang's mother was also quite upset.

Regardless of what Jiang's mother meant, the person the second child was with now was like a house-spoiler. He made the house miserable before he even walked in, and was still making a lot of noise after he walked in.

Then her mother-in-law will have to suffer.

Jiang's mother, like most women who are about to become mothers-in-law, wants to find an obedient daughter-in-law. Even if the family conditions are not good, as long as the daughter-in-law is nice.

If it really doesn't work, the next best thing is to find someone with acceptable moral character and someone who can live a peaceful life.

But the second son found this one by himself, and it was really not that good when he came into contact with it.

Jiang's mother panicked at the thought of living under the same roof with such a daughter-in-law.

Compared with Jiang Qiuyue's displeasure with the girl from Fang's family whom she had met once, Jiang's mother was repulsed in her heart and wanted to find another daughter-in-law.

"Summer, Mom will arrange a blind date for you. Once you meet a few more, you will know that there are many good girls out there." Don't treat that dog-tailed flower as a treasure, it seems too ignorant.

Jiang's mother tentatively asked her second son, looking at him with a look that made her hate the iron.

Jiang's father glanced at Jiang Xixia and said nothing about Jiang's mother's proposal. He probably had the same view and wanted to find another good place for his second son.

As the head of the family, he has more things to consider.

The future daughter-in-law's natal family is so troubled, as if she has never seen anything before. Her vision is too narrow and there is no future at all.

If we get married to their family, if something happens in the future, wouldn't it bring shame to the Jiang family?

With in-laws as important as the Peng family, the clan is looking at his family. No matter what happens, it is not a trivial matter... Father Jiang considered all aspects and looked at the third daughter who had already expressed her attitude that she was not optimistic about this marriage

. I made up my mind not to let my second son only think about his own happiness anymore, and not to spoil a pot of good soup because of him.

However, Jiang Xia Tian was the one holding back. Seeing that at the end of the discussion, Jiang's father obviously made a decision and said that he would give up the marriage with the woman's family. He quietly revealed one thing that he had hidden.

"Dad, Mom, Xiaofang... Xiaofang is actually mine..." Jiang Xia Tian hesitantly told the secret, his face turned red, his head lowered to the table, not daring to see the reaction of his parents and sister.

"Pfft..." Jiang Qiuyue spat out a mouthful of tea and wet her coat without even caring about it. She looked at Jiang Xiaxia who shrank into a quail in shock.

This man... is so avant-garde! Admire it.

Jiang's father had been through a lot, but he managed to hold on tight without losing his composure. He swallowed a sip of tea with a dark face, and he dropped the teacup on the table with a dull sound.

Dressed as an educated youth female supporting roleDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora