In the second half, after eating and drinking, Jiang's father still left the table early and took the whole family back.

Peng Jingye drove them back to their families in the art troupe first, and then left with Jiang's father after confirming the date of their visit in the third year of junior high school.

That night, people upstairs were sleeping when a sharp wail suddenly sounded, waking up many people who were still sleeping. The quiet night was broken for a while, and there was a lot of noise.

Jiang Qiuyue slept lightly after returning. She woke up when she heard the first sound. She quickly put on her cotton clothes and went out to see the situation.

Father Jiang and Mother Jiang were already up, wearing clothes and about to open the door.

Jiang Qiuyue found the thermos and poured three cups of tea when she heard the commotion in the corridor outside.

Jiang's father and Jiang's mother didn't come back after they went out. Jiang Qiuyue looked at the house for a while, waited for the noise outside to stop, then drank tea and went back to sleep.

When I woke up the next day, I learned that the father of Qiangzi next door was gone, not last night. It was said that he starved to death in bed, which made people lament.

"Alas, Old Man Li is not lucky, and his wife and son are useless..." Jiang's mother sighed.

Thinking about the scene after Old Man Li's death that she saw last night, she still has lingering fears.

Due to the unlucky nature of the New Year, Jiang's mother did not explain in detail what happened, which made people even more puzzled and wondered how an employee who had a job to earn food could starve to death at home.

After Jiang Qiuyue had eaten, she went downstairs and wandered around. Most of the adults in the family home were discussing the matter of Old Man Li starving to death.

It turned out that as early as two years ago during the Chinese New Year, Old Man Li broke his leg due to overwork. His wife and children did not give him money to go to the hospital for treatment, but only gave him a bitter medicinal soup that he found from nowhere.

Old Man Li not only has to go to work to earn food, but also has to do housework when he comes home. He still doesn't have enough to eat. In addition, he drags his sick leg to work. As time goes by, his body becomes more and more exhausted.

Until he was skinny and skinny, and his injured leg worsened and he couldn't get up from bed. The neighbors thought he was recuperating at home, but unexpectedly he was starved to death by his wife and son.

"It's really unlucky. Families of employees who abuse patients like this should report it and arrest them and put them in jail." Jiang Chunhua said with disdain.

She went back to her parents' home to visit relatives on the second day of the Lunar New Year, and she still had one in her belly. Of course she was very unhappy when such a thing happened during the Chinese New Year.

Perhaps it was the Tai Chi skills that Li Ziqiang and his mother made, but they couldn't stand the fact that there were too many people who were aggrieved by Old Man Li. After the year when the Public Security Bureau came to work, the mother and son were arrested.

On the third day of the Lunar New Year, Peng Jingye brought gifts and officially came to the house as his future son-in-law to celebrate the New Year.

Unexpectedly, Jiang Xixia suddenly brought a fashionably dressed girl into the house, saying that she was his partner and wanted to come to the house to see her.

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