'What does that even mean?' asked Seoho.

'It's a formal dress code' explained Choi Yujin. 'We want everyone to feel like a real prince or princess at the party!'

'And obviously no one can miss their mask' showed up a pink mask Soyeon. It was all glittery and sparkled in the lighting of the room, that type of mask that only covers your eyes. 'It makes everything even more mysterious and exciting!' She turned to Hongjoong. 'How are the posters going?'

'I'll show them to you after the meeting. If you approve, we can put them up tomorrow' promised Hongjoong.

'Awesome!' clapped her hands Soyeon. 'Things are going weirdly smoothly so far... Now about the food-'

Soobin sighed and rested his head on the table.

This will be a long meeting.


Which it was, but somehow it ended and Soobin made it out alive.

He began walking down the stairs like a zombie (seriously, who's idea was putting the student council room on the third floor?). On the ground floor he once again ran into Hongjoong who was showing the final design of the posters to some of the members.

Soobin heard talking from behind him signaling that someone is coming, recognizing the voices immediately and even though he wasn't interested in the Valentine's Day's posters the slightest, he quickly merged with the group of student council members. Because if there was something he was even less interested in than Valentine's Day, then it's definitely Choi San and Wooyoung who kept flirting with him on every possible occasion. Soobin had a slight suspicion that the competitive brothers made a bet on who's getting into his pants sooner because he just couldn't see where else this could be going.

'Hide me' he whispered to Jungwon and crouched down behind the much shorter boy. Jungwon just shrugged and stayed in place.


'Crap' muttered Soobin and stood up straight once he heard Wooyoung's voice.

'Hi Soobin!' greeted both San and Wooyoung as they detached from their friend group and joined him instead.

'Hi' said Soobin awkwardly.

'What's up? What are we looking at?' asked Wooyoung curiously, standing on his tiptoes to see over the students's shoulders, leaning against Soobin on purpose. Soobin took a step back (also on purpose), and Wooyoung lost his balance. San snorted.

'Just the Valentine's posters Hongjoong hyung is making' said Soobin blankly. San's eyes lit up.

'Oh, the Valentine's party! It's almost here! Will you be there too, Soobin?' he asked.

'I don't-'

'Of course he will be there, dummy! He is in the student council, he has to!' elbowed Wooyoung his brother in the side. Soobin would've argued because it wasn't necessary for him to be there, but he realized that they might finish talking sooner if he just agrees.

'And who are you going with?' asked San curiously.


'You can always go with me if you don't have a partner' patted his eyelashes Wooyoung.

'Or with me' added San, pushing Wooyoung slightly, earning a hiss and a glare from the younger.

'Um, I'll keep that in mind' said finally Soobin and backed a few steps. 'Actually I have to go now so... talk to you later' he added quickly and waved, rushing out of the school building with a sigh of relief.


'I'm home!'

'Hi Dad!' greeted Soobin from the dining table where he was writing his assignment. His Dad went inside the room and kissed the top of his head.

'How was school?' he asked. Soobin groaned and his Dad laughed. 'Sounds interesting.'

'Well... as you know I almost missed the bus in the morning and tripped over my shoelaces while trying to catch it. Then I got scolded for eating in class, Kai spilled his drink on me and I was even late to the student council meeting.'

'Not your lucky day' concluded his father and poured himself a glass of water. 'How was the meeting?'

'We were talking about the Valentine's Day party' shrugged Soobin. As he said it, he already knew he made a mistake as his Dad's eyes lit up.

'Sounds wonderful! Who-'

'I'm not going' sighed Soobin. His Dad frowned.

'You never go! Why?'

'Because I don't feel like it. We are hosting a masquerade party by the way. But I'm still not going.'

He hated saying this to his Dad, but he also hated how he was constantly being bothered by his family about finally getting a girlfriend. Mainly because he didn't care about dating, but as I already said, he also wasn't interested in girls. He was really getting fed up with it.

'But Soobin, it's a Valentine's party!' pouted his Dad like a kid.

'Good for those who are in a relationship' muttered Soobin.

'What's wrong with being single on Valentine's Day? You're not dead on Halloween's Day either and you still celebrate' furrowed his eyebrows his Dad. Soobin looked away awkwardly. 'Come on, Soobin, just give this party a chance! It would be really time for you to socialize outside of the student council and basketball practice! Who knows, maybe you'd even get a girlfriend before you turn 60!' joked his Dad.

'I don't need a girlfriend, okay?' sighed Soobin.

'Then you should just go out more! And this is a school dance, everyone will be there! And it's Valentine's Day! Maybe you'd even change your mind if you met a nice girl-'

The words left Soobin's mouth before he would even think.

'Dad, I'm gay.'


A/N 2.0: Bwahahaha, okay, this last part was in my original idea for this story: it would've been the basic Cinderella fairy tale where Soobin is a prince and his Dad is the king who is hosting a ball for find him a spouse. His Dad would've been organizing the ball where he invites all the single ladies in the kingdom, and as he is planning, Soobin would've just randomly be like <Dad, I'm gay>. It would've been much more genius in that version in my opinion, but I guess this is fine too lol

Hope you liked the chapter, see you next week!!

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