4 - Soobin

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A/N: Aajsjksdhjfhfdkjs the comeback AHHHHHHHH

I have to admit I didn't have time to listen to the whole album yet as my week has been VERY chaotic at uni, but I love Chasing That Feeling, it's already on my playlist! What's your favorite song from the new album??


'Sorry I'm late!!' exclaimed Soobin bursting into the student council's room after classes. The student council president, who was holding her head and massaging her temples, just waved it off.

Soobin wasn't surprised that the president looked pretty tired, seeing the chaos engulfing the classroom even after a long school day. All twelve members of the student council were present now that Soobin arrived, and everyone was yelling to the person who was the farthest from them in the room. Soobin took his usual seat next to the table between Chaewon and Serim and waited for the chaos to end.

'Okay, I'd like to open today's meeting!!' clapped her hands Soyeon, the student council president. It felt like no one even heard her words as everyone kept screaming and shouting. Soyeon inhaled deeply and raised her voice. 'EVERYONE SHUT THE FUCK UP!!'

This seemingly did the magic as silence fell on the room and everyone took their seats, finished eating and swept the cookie crumbs off the table (Hongjoong), got off the chairs where they were standing and yelling to each other (Chaewon and Yujin), stopped the game they were playing against each other on their phones (Serim and Hyunsuk), ended the very important call they just had to make (the other Yujin), sent the last text to their besties (Yeji), stopped the music blasting from their phone (Seoho), finished painting their nails (Karina) and climbed off the table (Jungwon, don't ask me why he was there, I just arrived to the scene too).

'Oh, it worked' gasped Soyeon, even her being surprised about her success in silencing the group. 'Alright, so the most important thing we have to talk about is the Valentine's party which is on Friday and as usual, we are running out of time as we are supposed to put up the posters tomorrow' she grabbed her notebook and took a look at her scribbles. 'So we agreed on hosting a masquerade party this year, right?'

'Well, my idea of a costume party is still on-' spoke up Jungwon.

'NO!!' said everyone else in sync.

'We don't want to see your giraffe costume' added Karina, finishing the conversation before it would've started.

'So a masquerade ball it is' concluded Soyeon, earning agreeing hums and nods.

Soobin supported his chin on his palms as he leaned on the table with a sigh. He was never fond of school dances, especially not Valentine's parties. Everyone expects everyone to arrive with their partners and if you're alone, you're either getting judging looks the whole night, or people will be attacking you with their delusional fantasies, expecting you to suddenly reciprocate their feelings for you. Especially if you're as handsome as Choi Soobin.

Which he knew pretty well.

He hated to admit, but Yang Jungwon's giraffe costume sounded a thousand times more interesting than this school dance. Which he was obviously going to ditch this year too.

'As for the decoration' continued Soyeon. 'The party will be mostly held in the gym and the backyard since those are the only parts of this school that are big enough for so many people to fit in. I was hoping we could make the gym look like an actual ballroom. Hongjoong?' she turned to one of the members.

'We'll take care of it, don't worry' said Hongjoong. Soyeon nodded and scribbled something in her notebook.

'I trust you with this, but consult me before anyone would do something stupid' she added, then went to the next topic. 'The dress code is black tie.'

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