Chapter Six

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Walking into school that day felt wrong and uncomfortable. People kept staring at me like I was some fish out of the water and people kept pointing and whispering.

Usually, I would be used to it because normally they'd sit there and laugh at me except for this time, they just stood there and whispered amongst themselves.

About what you may ask? Well, I don't know because every time l'd even get remotely close to them, they'd stop talking like they just weren't when usually they'd speak loud and clear so that I could hear them but for some reason, it was different today.

I walk over to my locker, dialing the combination as I go and look around the hallway as everyone stares and points making me blush and look away from their prying eyes.

Sometimes I just wish that I was invisible so that I didn't have to worry about people watching me as I grab my books from my locker.

I guess I now know how it feels to be popular.
People always watching you but instead of me being popular, I'm the freak of the school who nobody likes because they somehow will catch an STD from me by just breathing the same air, which I find remotely stupid because you would have to have sex with me in order to receive one, it has the name sex in the sexual Transmitted Diseases in the name. Sometimes I just feel like this school is just filled with a bunch of idiots.

"Meet me in the library in ten." A voice hisses in my ear, making me freeze mid-dial.

I peek over my shoulder as Tyson walks down the hallway, everyone's prying eyes follow him as he does taking the attention off me, making the somewhat nerves to go away.

My locker clicks open a minute later, causing me to jump and frown at it as I quickly throw my bag in there and shut it as quickly as I could so that I don't leave Tyson to be angry.

Over the years, I knew what made Tyson angry and I also learned that if you kept Tyson waiting you were bound to get a truckload of insults and beatings.

Once Tyson tells you a certain time, you better damn well stick to that time or else your life will be a living hell.

Sighing, I close my locker shut and hold my binders and books closer to my chest and walk down the hall towards the library with my head down.

Walking down the hallway, I see Hannah talking to one of her friends against her locker. When her eyes meet mine, she smiles evilly and whispers to her friend before walking over to me.

When she reaches me, I gulp and stare up at her as she smiles and tilts her head to the side, her brown hair falling down her shoulder.

"Aaliyah, can I ask you what you were doing yesterday after school?"

I tense up. My blood rushing cold as she grins down at me and I nod my head and pull my binder closer to my chest.

"I-I was at w-work."

"Really? Because when I went to the diner before I went over to Tyson's, you weren't there." She says glaring at me.

"I-I had a late shift."

Hannah sighs and shakes her head as she makes a 'tsk' nose with her tongue and walks around me like I was all alone on a boat in the middle of the sea and she was the shark swarming me.

"You really shouldn't lie Aaliyah. Do you know where bitches like you go if you sin?" She asks placing a hand on her cross necklace that was dangling and clinging to her neck.

I don't say anything and she smirks before taking a step back. She snaps her fingers and her friend Emily runs up and puts something in her hand.

"Next time you want to be the sneaky little hoe
you are, don't leave your sweater where anyone can find." She glares throwing the sweater at me making my binder and books to fall along with it to the floor.

I shake my head and bend down and try picking them up but her footsteps on my hand and she glares at me as she bends down so that her lips are close to my ear.

"I swear to god if you gave Tyson an STD your head will be hanging from that flagpole." She hisses before standing up straight and sends me a smile.

"We should definitely go to the mall together! You can totally use some charity." She says faking a smile. "It was so nice speaking to you Aaliyah!"

She blows me a fake kiss and waves at me with the same hand before walking away, her heels clicking against the tile and her poses following after her.

People stare and whisper as they talk about the
little encounter I had with Hannah. I clear my throat picking up my stuff from the floor. I pick at the corners of my binder and start walking towards the library.

When I enter the library, I walk towards the very back where the history and new fiction books were held and walks to the back table where Tyson sat, staring straight at me with a glare. "Y-You wanted to speak to me," I say adverting my eyes away and towards the ground.

"I gave you instructions Fox and you betrayed them." He says and I shake my head.

"I-I swear I didn't do anything."

Tyson laughs and stands up from the table and walks over to me, his shoes hitting the hardwood floor with ease as he makes his way in front of me.

"Aaliyah everyone in the school knows that you were in my house yesterday." He says touching my face lightly, his touch making me flinch back.

"I-I swear I didn't tell anyone. Ha-Hannah saw

Tyson laughs and shakes his head and glares.

"You're a lying bitch."

His hand comes across my face, the sound of skin hitting skin echoes through the quiet library and a stinging ringing rings in my head like bells.

I bring my hand up to my face and touch the warmth of my cheek and look up at Tyson with wide eyes.

Never has he ever hit me. Ever.

Usually, his friends would or Hannah, but never in my life has Tyson laid a hand on me with that much force.

Tyson's eyes widen at his action and his face falls from his anger to worry.

"Oh God, Aaliyah I'm sorry. Fuck. I wasn't thinking." He raises his hand up but I take a step back and shake my head.

"I-I'm going to g-go."

Tyson opens his mouth but I shake my head and quickly run out of the library, only one thing running across my mind the whole time.


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