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FNAF Fan Fic

It had been several days now since the incident. Several day? The passage of time felt more as if this had always been.

It all started at the carnival. Myself and my brother Billy had saved up all year.
Well, I say saved up, but it was more like "Attempted not to spend" the month before. As such, we had enough for our tickets and a few snacks. Quite industrious of ourselves to save up so much in such a short time, eh?.

"Hey J-man! Why couldn't da give us more for the carnival than this? Fifty bucks leaves only 25 dollars after the entry fee. We'll starve!."
  "Shush Billy! Money don't grow on trees no more, not since they turned it plastic. It's their way of making sure we come home in time for supper, I bet."
Alright, so maaaaybe we didn't save up that much.
"Gah, fiiiiiine.". Billy grumbled, before turning cheery and adding "Maybe if I sink it all in the block game I can win a switch! Then it will all be worth it." Billy smiled craftily to himself, secure in the belief of his newfound riches.
"Suuuuuure Billy. You do that. I'll go on 5 of the most intense rides, and probably pass out near where you're totally winning a switch."
"Thaaaat's right." Billy nodded smugly, then looked over conspiratorially; "Tell ma and da that we were hanging out together the whole time? Wouldn't want them to worry, after all."
"What a kind suggestion Billy! Always thinking of others." We shook hands like true gentleman before cackling and running off.

"Now! What to do first..."
There was the obvious choice of the looping roller coaster, but maybe that should be las- meh nah! And I quickly spent my first bundle of tickets on the "Flaming Rocket" roller coaster.
The ensuing wait made me believe that I wouldn't use up all my tickets before supper.
But what a thrill once it began! The slow rise to the top, with the cool autumn air in my face. I could see the whole Carnival stretched out below. The smell of pizza flavoured popcorn and the raucous of all the people filled my senses. Before, quickly leaving me as I reached the top.As the bottom of my thoughts fell out with the plummet.

"Well, strangely that made me hungry. That popcorn smelled good..."
I looked around for the source, taking my time and plotting out my day. There was a ride that spins you around in the air while spinning you around the other way as well. The perfect place to lose my popcorn, once I find it of course.
"Aha! It's next to that haunted house. Sweet! Looks like it's included with each ticket." I would get to savour the flavour before barfing it on an unsuspecting ride-goer.
You would think a haunted house would have a shorter wait time. Not the case. Maybe someone was allergic to the popcorn seasoning? And they had to delay the next person while one of the zombies used an epi pen on them.
Pondering the reasons why wait times were always so long made the time go by quickly.
The ride was called "Fazbear" With authentic looking faded signage. Maybe an italian name? Not one I recognized.
I was given my complimentary "Pizza" by an old man with a top hat and jacket. He grinned and said that pizza should always be included.
Uh huh. Pizza. That's what popcorn is. Thanks old man.

The ride used 2 seat bucket carts, set on a track that went sooooo slowly. But that worked fine for me, the popcorn was a decent size.
"Huh, this place is missing something. Can't quite place it..." Maybe It was the lack of anything even remotely terrifying. Sure, they had some strange glowing eyes here and there. But everything else was your cookie cutter haunted house. And a strange cafe looking area? Seemed like a waste.
"There should have made this place walkable, then it might be more interesting. I'll have to tell Billy how bad it is."
As I left the haunted house, full of pizza-corn. I couldn't shake how bad the place was. How much it was missing something important.
This consumed my thoughts so much that before I realized it I had circled back to Billy. He was spending his last few dollars on furtive attempts to match blue LED blocks in a row. The top prize was a blue switch light.
"Darn! Almost go it. Just one more- say Jone! You still have a bunch of tickets...did you know what an amazingly selfless and generous brother you are? Ehhhhhhh??? Perhaps I could trade a few back in??."
"Huh? Oh, yeah sure." I numbly handed him my scrunched up handful of tickets.
"For realz!!? Thanks man! You can try the switch once I get it." With a grin he raced off, came back, and failed completely at the rigged game. We then started our slow trudge home. The day seemed more and more distant. More meaningless. Something important was missing. Something important was needed. Something.
That night I went back. I crawled out my window, walking quieter than I had thought I could. The cold pavement felt like ice against my feet. It matched how the rest of me felt.
The cool air moved the leaves in the tres, making them whisper softly to me. I'm almost there. Almost there.
The carnival was quiet and empty. Easy to slip into, just keep to the shadows.
Fazbear's was there. The smell of pizza lingering. I need to know what's missing. I need to know.
The wooden floor would be abrasive against my feet. I didn't notice.
The metal door was ice cold against my hand. I didn't care.
The inside was dark, impossible to see. I didn't need to.

Finally I stopped. Near where the eyes had glowed. Some still were. And by their light I could see a large bear. It's eyes glowing red, its mechanical body open. Inviting.
I know what it's missing.

Billy will be surprised, he wanted this blue switch light so much. I smiled wide and gazed forward with renewed vigour.
As I looked down at a fuzzy paw, I could see that the switch had red dots on it now. Strange.
Billy will like it more! It was missing a bit of red. Red and blue, just like you.

BillyOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz