Chapter 3: Back to the Nest

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"All right , listen! It's time for this morning's homeroom period! Take your seats, everyone!" Lida shouted.

"We are in our seats, you're the one who's not." Sero replied.


That was the Aizawa I knew, always so lazy, and old if I may add on. However, as old as him is me; beside him in his walk to the front.

I could see the shocks on their faces, I mean, I'm like Aizawa but with no beard( or mustache) and a silver hair.

"Sensei, are you all right!" I heard one of the students call out.

"And who is the person next to you?"

"Don't concern yourself over me or the person next to me." Aizawa in his mummified stated told his students.

"After all the hasn't really ended for you yet."


"U.A's sport's festival is approaching boys and girls!"

"OH YEAH THIS IS A SCHOOL!" The students shouted, I could hear their excitement. I don't need to tell you the rest, because this is probably your 1 millionths time reading a mha fanfic.

Aizawa was going into a meeting, but we had time.

"Doesn't it remind you of it." I smiled.

"Of what?" He gave me a lighter.

I took it and lit my cigarette.

"Of when we were students in this school?"

He scoffed and coughed at the release of smoke from the cigarette, and the ones released upon blowing out the smoke.

"Anyways, I'm going to Anan."

A smile creeped up to both of our faces remembering our time in that damned forest.

I brought flowers and a CD containing a documentary about nature which I know she liked. I felt my stomach fall, and my heart pound as I stood right infront of her door.

It has been what, 4 years since I've last met her. I know she is still the well mannered, and really weird as she was when we were still in U.A.

I opened the door and saw her. I saw her navy blue hair, and the blonde part at the top simulating a spiral. I saw her black arms that was caused by her quirk. And looking at me, was the same shining hazel eyes that looked at me with burning passion in their eyes.

She opened her arms while laying in her bed, and swelling up in her eyes as both as mine and we embraced.

The old hero wasn't there for her, may be now, the person Kagu, will be there for her.

As I walk towards her to embrace her with a hug.

"Where have you been all these years!"

Her open palm hit my head. I stumbled and dropped the CD case.

I knew better than to stop her in her tantrum. I remember I once tried to stop her, and the result was the black eye that stayed there for 2 weeks before it disappeared.

"Hey atleast I  got you flowers after 4 years of you actually doing work while I was having a quirk awakening and a mental breakdown." I told her with the same look I had always given her.

"You're finally loosening your stern personality." She sighed and laid back on her bed and groaned.

I sat down on the chair next to her and picked up the CD to put it on the drawer with the flowers.

"Come on what's wrong, you're always laid back and calm in situations." I felt like it's time for me to catch up everything I missed.

Anan told me everything, about the league of villains, her work, being a teacher, the disasters and rescues, the fact that she didn't have a date because she was too tall for most men that was her type.

Considering all the things that could have gone wrong, I liked the result that came out. Especially good that we still have a good relationship with the sports festival coming soon, and oh boy will the teachers be tired.

I hear troubles, all the things, and what she did in her free time. How she dealt with comments, all the stories she had stored in her.

From what I heard from the teachers, she was a well-mannered person and was always kind. I guess she really couldn't express herself truly. Man, does it feel to come back home.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 20, 2023 ⏰

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