Lemon boy

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One day and dozens of pain killers later, Ran entered the gymnasium again. The looks he received from everyone around differed greatly. Some looked confused, others almost like they judged him, but most looked worried. It didn't even wonder Ran that he immediately got pulled aside by Philippe as soon as he spotted him.

The same as always. 'You good?' 'Yes.' 'Did something happen?' 'No.' 'Attendance?' 'Will do better.' Always the exact same pattern, he was just too tired to remember whole conversations by now.

Tatsunori did not take a look at Ran. Or at least looked away whenever Ran turned. And Lord, it upset him. So much. Because it did not only affect both their gameplay, but doing any sort of partner work was associated with pure panic: both praying not to be picked as the others partner.

They were lucky –Three out of four times. And that one time was not received well by either of them. Especially Tatsunori seemed to be holding a grudge.

"Don't you know how to run after a ball?" "Don't you know how to properly pass?" Ran responded. It was seriously going on his nerves now. The older kept complaining, and angering him. He didn't even try to hide it.

Tatsunori rolled his eyes. "I do, but you don't really know how to receive, do you? Played Libero, but don't know how to make a good dig. Kinda embarrassing, don't you think?" He spat. Another strong spike right at Ran who barely managed to react, so he wouldn't be hit straight in the face.

That had been the third time now. The ball flew around the gymnasium, landing a few meters away from Tomohiro who just threw it back. He didn't even take a glance. Everyone knew that this was something to stay out of. Even Kai, who smiled so often, had put on a serious resting face.

"What was that for, Tatsunori? You and Ran, talk it out, now! In the office, both of you!" Philippe shouted. The French man did not tend to shout often, only whenever he was truely mad. Really mad.

And this was the case here. The shout caused sudden and complete silence around the arena. No one spoke another word, they all just stared at the three. Kento watched Tatsunori throw Ran a death glare. Then, both followed their coach to said office and treatment room.

"Sit down. Both of you." No room for debating. Two anxious but mad pairs of eyes dtaded at Philippes. But their kind of mad did not compare to his. He was furious. And his voice displayed just how much he tried to keep calm. It was deeper than usual as well. "What happened? Huh? Between the two of you? Are you aware that you are holding everyone back with that stupid little argument you have going on? Do you want that?"

They both shook their low-hanging heads. "Good. Then tell me. Why did you try to decaptivate Ran?" He addressed Fatsunori. His eyes faintly looked up, but he didn't manage to hold eye contact.

"I didn't. I just spiked the ball. But he couldn't receive it properly. How is that my fault?" "I stood like two meters away from you and you hit that ball like I was standing near the opposite end of the gym!" "Not true." "Yes, true! What the fuck is your problem?" Philippe didn't intervene.

He just sat there and watched. As relaxed as one could be, leaned against the wall. Tatsunori Rose his voice. "You screamed at me when I tried to help. Ungrateful! And then you don't even tell me what the duck is wrong with you! I am not saying that you have to tell me, but a little more transparency would be great." "What the fuck do you want to hear? That I am sorry? Because you couldn't respect boundaries? Get over it, Tatsunori!" This time, Ran screamed.

Two shocked pairs of eyes looked up at him. Especially Philippe seemed to be shocked by the sudden iutburst. And still, Ran wasn't done there. "Fuck you, just leave me alone. Right, leave me alone! When I tell you to leave my apartment, you do! That's how easy it is, but you had to annoy me, had to go on my nerves. Why is no one respecting my space anymore? Huh?" What was so weird about this was the fact that ran was so angry. However, the tears leaking from his face were weird.

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