Talk that talk

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"Could we talk for a second? Outside?" Yuki asked. The captain had not even waited for an answer before walking away, patiently waiting for Ran to arrive on the other side of the door.

Which he did, a minute later.

The exhausted, yet concerned expression on the olders face said enough. This was not good. "What happened? Do you want to talk about it?" Ran shook his head.

"It's nothing. What made you think something was up?" Yuki looked at him rather unimpressed. "I know the thing with your elbow was a lie. Philippe called the doctor to ask about it because he was genuinely concerned. He told me that the doctor said you never went to see him." Ran's eyes widened.

His heartbeat accelerated. Panic. "I-I...Please. I am sorry, Yuki. I am sorry. Please don't Tell the coach. He is gonna kick me out. I am sorry. Sorry. Sorry. Sorry." Ran was crying, actually crying in front of the captain.

Normally, it didn't matter how harsh the feedback was that Ran received from the captain, usually, he didn't cry in front of him. This straddled Yuki.

But, when he moved closer to try and hug Ran, the athlete backed off. Immediately. He made himself small, backing off until the wall stopped him from doing so. Frantic looks around, always checking the distance between them, and not letting Yuki any closer.

Therefore, he kept his distance. "Ran. What happened? Where were you?" Ran didn't answer. No, he just stared. However, when he lowered his head, Yuki noticed the damp hair. A big, red spot.

That had not been there when the two last saw each other yesterday. "Is someone abusing you?" Frantic head shaking. "No. No, why would you think that- No." He replied.

But Yuki didn't seem to belobe him. Ran sighed. "I am not being abused, Yuki. Just clumsy." "Don't think I am stupid. That-" He pointed at the others head. "Doesn't just happen because you are clumsy. Tell me who." "No one. Stop it Yuki! Shut up! No one is doing anything to me!" With that, Ran stormed out of the room, out of the arena.

He did not even grab his stuff. Ran just ran.


Messages started to pile up. Dozens of phone calls unanswered. Ran didn't talk to anyone. He was angry, but above all, scared.

Ever since the incident in the bathroom, Ran had not attended school. He had not even left the house, had not showered or even moved around in his bed.

The doorbell rang. Once. Twice. Thrice. Ran had not planned to answer, but the longer that stupid ringing went on, the more annoyed he grew until he finally decided to actually stand up and check it out.

Just as expected. Someone standing in front, pushing a finger onto the eye spy. "Who's there?" No answer. Anxiety started rising.

Slowly and carefully, ready to shut the door again, Ran opened it.

And he would have shut it again, if that person had not put a foot between the door and it's frame. "We need to talk. Please, Ran." "No, Yuki, we don't."

"Let me inside. I am seriously worried." Ran let go. This wasn't worth wasting energy for.

The captain strolled inside, carefully seating himself on the couch. He had expected Ran to take a seat as well, but the younger just continued to stand there.

"School called. They said that you didn't go for three days already and your parents don't know anything. I am sorry about recently. I shouldn't have pushed you to talk about it. Just know that you can talk to me. Whatever ir is that is happening with you, I can help you. I am there for you. And if you don't want me to talk to someone else about it, then I won't. You are safe with me." Rans eyes turned glassy.

And even though it was so obvious that something was wrong, he shook his head. "I am fine." Oh yeah, Ran Takahashi was always fine. But was he really?

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