Maria Stark: He does miss you when you are not here. And frankly, you're going to miss us. Because this is the last time we're all going to be together. You know what's about to happen. Say something. If you don't, you'll regret it.[Howard walks back in.]

Young Tony Stark: I love you, Dad. And I know you did the best you could.[Maria leans in to kiss Tony on the cheek, and when she leans back, an older Tony Stark is standing in the background. Howard and Maria walk out, leaving the two Tonys.]

Tony Stark: That's how I wished it happened. Binarily Augmented Retro-Framing, or BARF. God, I gotta work on that acronym. An extremely costly method of hijacking the hippocampus to . . . clear traumatic memories. Huh.[He blows on a candle and everything around him shimmers, then starts to dissolve. It's a hologram.]

Tony Stark: It doesn't change the fact that they never made it to the airport . . . or all the things I did to avoid processing my grief, but . . . [He takes off his glasses.] Plus, 611 million dollars for my little therapeutic experiment? No one in the right mind would've ever funded it.[He is standing on a stage in front of a large crowd. A sign reads MIT Alumni Honors: Tony Stark.]

Tony Stark: Help me out, what's the MIT mission statement? "To generate, disseminate . . . and preserve knowledge. And work with others . . . to bring it to bear on the world's great challenges." Well, you are the others. And, quiet as it's kept . . . the challenges facing you are the greatest mankind's ever known. Plus, most of you are broke.[The crowd chuckles.]

Tony Stark: Oh, I'm sorry. Rather, you were. As of this moment . . . every student has been made an equal recipient of the Inaugural September Foundation Grant. As in . . . all of your projects have just been approved and funded.[The crowd breaks out in applause and cheering.]

Tony Stark: No strings, no taxes... just re-frame the future! Starting now.[The teleprompter above the audience reads. 'Now I would like to introduce the head of the foundation: Pepper Potts.' Tony stares at it sadly.

"Tony..." pepper states, but Tony leans into Pepper and brings Hadley in for a hug.

Tony Stark: Go break some eggs.[He exits the stage.]

MIT teacher: Wow. Wow. That uh . . . that took my breathe away. Oh, Tony! So generous. So much money! Wow! Out of curiosity . . . will any portion of that grant be made available to faculty? I know, "Ooh, gross," but hear me out. I have got this killer idea for a self-cooking hot dog. Basically, chemical detonator embedded . . .[Tony is not listening.]

Tony Stark: Restroom's this way, yeah?

MIT teacher: Yeah. Embedded in the meat shaft.

Stark's Assistant: Mr. Stark, I am so sorry about the teleprompter. I didn't know Miss Potts had cancelled. They didn't have time to fix it.

Tony Stark: It's . . . fine. I'll be right back.

MIT teacher: We'll catch up later.

[Tony steps into a quiet corridor. He loiters by the men's room, then glances back at the stage door before walking towards the elevator. A woman in sober clothes is also waiting. Tony stops and turns his back to the wall.]

"What's gonna happen here" Holly, Ivanna, Abby, Hadley and Charlotte say at the same time.

Mrs. Spencer: That was nice, what you did for those young people.

Tony Stark: Ah, they deserve it. Plus, it helps ease my conscience.

Mrs. Spencer: They say there's a correlation between generosity and guilt. But if you've got the money . . . break as many eggs as you like. Right?[He narrows his eyes and half smiles, then turns to face the elevator. He looks surprised to find the button unlit and pushes it himself.]

Tony Stark: Are you going up?

Mrs. Spencer: I'm right where I want to be.[She digs in her handbag, Tony grabs her wrist. He realises what he's done.]

Tony Stark: Okay, okay. Hey! Sorry, it's an occupational hazard.Mrs. Spencer: I work for the State Department. Human Resources. I know it's boring . . . but it enabled me to raise a son. I'm very proud of what he grew up to be.[She shoves a photo at him.]

Mrs Spencer: His name was Charlie Spencer. You murdered him. In Sokovia. Not that it matters in the least to you. You think you fight for us. You just fight for yourself.[Tony shakes his head.]

Mrs Spencer: Who's going to avenge my son, Stark? He's dead . . . and I blame you.[She turns and walks away, leaving Tony standing by the elevator with a grim frown.

The avengers look down and the kids just roll their eyes.

[At the Avengers Compound. Steve catches Wanda watching a news report on the Lagos attack and how they blame her for it.]

News Anchor #1: 11 Wakandans were among those killed during a confrontation between the Avengers and a group of mercenaries in Lagos, Nigeria, last month. The traditionally reclusive Wakandans were on an outreach mission in Lagos when the attack occurred.

King T'Chaka: Our people's blood is spilled on foreign soil. Not only because of the actions of criminals, but by the indifference of those pledged to stop them. Victory at the expense of the innocent, is no victory at all.

News Anchor #1: The Wakanda king went on to . . .[Steve, who was watching the news, turns his computer off, but sound drifts toward him from another room.]

News anchor #2: They are operating outside and above the international law. Because that's the reality, if we don't respond to acts like these.[Wanda is sitting on her bed, watching the news on her TV.]

News Anchor #2 What legal authority does an enhanced individual like Wanda Maximoff have to operate in Nigeri -[The TV turns off. Steve sets the remote down and leans on the door frame.]

Wanda Maximoff: It's my fault.

Steve Rogers: That's not true.

Wanda Maximoff: Turn the TV back on. They're being very specific.

Steve Rogers: I should've clocked that bomb vest long before you had to deal with it.[He walks over.]

Steve Rogers: Rumlow said "Bucky" and . . . all of a sudden I was a 16-year-old kid again, in Brooklyn. [He sits beside Wanda.]

Holly whispers, gay, in Ivanna's ear and they both started laughing.

Steve Rogers: And people died. It's on me.

Wanda Maximoff: It's on both of us.

Steve Rogers: This job . . . we try to save as many people as we can. Sometimes that doesn't mean everybody. But if we can't find a way to live with that, next time . . . maybe nobody gets saved.[Vision materializes through the wall. Wanda starts.]

[Vision interrupts Wanda and Steve by walking through the wall into Wanda's room]Wanda Maximoff: Vis! We talked about this.

Vision: Yes, but the door was open so I assumed that . . .[He gestures at the door and stops.]

Vision: Captain Rogers wished to know when Mr. Stark was arriving.

Steve Rogers: Thank you. We'll be right down.

Vision: I'll . . . use the door. Oh, and apparently, he's brought a guest.

Steve Rogers: We know who it is?

Vision: The Secretary of State.

All the kids look at each other a bit funny and the avengers see.

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