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Hello! Yes, I am rewriting this book so it's more fluid and accurate to the lore of Code Jumpers!

This will be more focused on RQ than SS. Most lore for RQ applies to SS rather than specific RQ lore! If anything is different with SS Lore I will try to explain at the end of the chapter for those who just want to understand Code Jumpers for "My Inner Code".

Actually- it might be better if I just write for a little section in the book. I'll figure it out later.

Thank you for checking out this new book! I hope you enjoy the world I have created and that you will be able to understand more about Code Jumpers.

Yes, this is more or less considered my Code Jumper Rainbow Quest Au book if anything!

Thank you for reading this! It means a lot. It means people are interested in what I have created and want to learn more!

Enjoy the Angst, Fluff, and everything in between.
Elan Sabre Nolan

Life in the Rainbow Kingdom has been peaceful. Living in a house on my own really gives me some much-needed privacy. Even with the few looks I get from Steve's around me... I did control the darkness for a long while now. With the Rainbow Festival tomorrow, I was excited to celebrate a new life with the steves and watch them grow and thrive.

If only I could get through this grocery list faster.

I already have food supplies for the next week for myself, I just need to get a few things to fill up my house with supplies... I need some incense to burn but I can't find any that I like in particular. I need a few journals of course... I also want to grab some fabric and craft supplies to keep my clothes clean and make anything I need at my new home. Also pillows, a lot of pillows. A lot of Steves have given me blankets- but not enough pillows. I only got one and- I need a few more especially if I get hurt again.

I glanced from shop to shop. Most of it was filled with things I already had. Food, herbs, tea, firewood... I also had to make sure I stayed within budget. I get some money from working jobs for other steves around town... but not nearly as much as Steves normally do in shops. I might need to go job searching or spend time getting my gold and copper in the caves below.

I soon one of the shops I needed. An incense shop. It was the third one I have seen today, but maybe it would have the type of incense I was looking for. The shop was owned by a yellow Steve... surprising.

"Oh! Sabre right? Welcome to my shop! What do you need?" The yellow Steve smiles at me warmly. I gave them a warm smile back.

"I just wanted to look at some of the incense you have that's alright," I asked permission for first. He nods and gestures to the sticks and bundles of incense he has. You can either buy a bundle of sticks for a copper ingot or two for a small piece of copper. I looked at some of the ones that interested me... but none of them were what I was looking for... all of them were good smells though.

"Having a hard time deciding?" He asks me. I nod.

"Yea... got any suggestions?" I asked. He nods and takes out a stick.

"This one is my least popular... but one of my favorites!" He gives it to me and I smell it. A sudden rush of emotion came over me as a memory flashed before my eyes.


"I know it's a bit chilly out here son, but I promise it will warm up soon." A strong comforting voice said to me. I was young... very young and couldn't talk well, but we don't need to know. We walked through the first together as the pine trees's musky smell mixed with frozen dew. I looked up at my dad... he just looked down and smiled at me.

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