Pamela, the choir director walked in and asked, "Am I interrupting something?"

Michelle sneered her nose up at Pamela then Eric replied, "No you're not you're just in time. I need to talk to you about our playlist. I don't know how to work the new radios we just got last week. Mind helping me with that?"

Pamela smiled, "No I don't mind! Let me just put my things down."

Pamela sat her purse down and looked at Michelle then smiled, "Well hello Michelle, how are you?"

"I was doing good up until now!" Michelle answered, with shade.

Pamela replied sarcastically, "Really now? That's not what I just overheard a few minutes ago before walking in. It seems as if you were already upset."

Michelle took off her earrings and chuckled, "Pamela I suggest you go back there and help MY husband get everything set up. Before things get wicked up in here!"

Pamela put on a huge smile and then replied, "Yes ma'am! I wouldn't wanna be anywhere I'm not wanted. So I will take my business to YOUR husband's office where I'm ALWAYS welcomed."

Pamela winked and walked away then Michelle's eyes began to water as her stomach crumbled. Michelle felt weak in her body so she sat down for a spell. Michelle's memories reminisced the times when she caught messages on Eric's phone when he left her lonely at home, not to mention when she caught them in the act of committing adultery.

I know you're probably wondering why they haven't fired her yet. But they did once, she had to come back though because Michelle couldn't manage the choir, her sewing business, and being a first-time mother at the time, all at once. They couldn't hire anyone else to do it and let's not forget to mention. Pamela had a reputation for her beautiful voice! She had a nice amount of followers on social media due to her remedying voice. Eric convinced Michelle to hire her again and told her that it would never happen again. Even though it was true, it still didn't change the hurt Michelle had felt all this time.


After school, Naomi had told Leroy to meet her at the church around six. She then went to pick up Keenly from school, and they returned home to change. They arrived at the church around five-thirty, and Naomi ran into Ricky just before entering the church. As they walked inside, Michelle observed Naomi talking to Ricky, and at this point, she was growing increasingly suspicious.

Michelle approached Naomi and asked, "Hey Naomi, how was school?"

Naomi smiled and embraced her mother, replying, "Mama, it was great! Oh, and I passed my chemistry test."

Naomi handed the Chemistry test to Michelle, smiled, and said, "I'm glad you passed."

Ricky extended his hand for a handshake and greeted, "Hello, Mrs. Michelle. How are you?"

Michelle replied, "Ricky, I'd feel much better if you told me why you were calling my daughter at midnight."

Ricky's smile faded and he replied, "Well I just needed somebody to talk to. I'm dealing with a lot right now and your daughter was generous enough to help."

Love In The Shadows: Christian RomanceWhere stories live. Discover now