Getting Ready for The Party(Remake)

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(I made Wally here less Possessive and crazy than the first one I made, I hope you guys will like this new one, so enjoy reading this pookies😘)

You are so excited for the party and you have everything in planned with the neighbors, how thoughtful of them indeed and sometimes you caught Wally was staring at you, it makes you a little flustered sometimes when your eyes met his, like his eyes are telling you he was interested in you.

Meanwhile you were heading to the only shop at town that Wally showed you yesterday, Howdy's Place to buy some materials for Eddie that he needed and help him make some decorations too while Poppy and Sally are baking together for the party. You entered the shop it was colorful than normal shops and you see a green man that looks like a caterpillar at the register counter and he gave you a nice friendly greeting and a welcoming smile while tidying the shelf behind him and turned his attention to his new customer.

"Well Howdy do! Say, your that new fella in town eh?, Welcome to Howdy's Place, the name's Howdy the store owner himself, what can I get for ya?" Howdy asked and he was happy to have a new customer.

"Nice to finally meet you Howdy!, are there crafting materials or decorations on sale here?" You asked.

"Yes! It's on the aisle 3, I bet it's for the party that everyone has been talking about?" Howdy asked curiously.

"Yeah it is, I'm helping the mailman Eddie making the decorations, I just thought he needed more materials for it" You responded nicely.

"Really?, so you fellas are the one making the decorations?, I'm not surprised Eddie is good at making them and when the decorations is done me and Barn will set them up outside, just infront of Home..and this party is for you!" Howdy will help too, and everyone at the neighborhood is helping.

"'s really thoughtful of you guys, I really appreciate it, throwing a party for my arrival and I'm so excited!" You responded cheerfully.

"Of course! We barely have visitors and especially you are now our new neighbor!" Howdy replied with a smile across his face.

"Seriously though, thank you guys again, well I better get shopping, it was really nice talking to you" You responded as you grabbed a shopping basket near in your area.

"Anytime! Enjoy shopping here, I'm just right here at the register if you need me!" Howdy waved and he was now back tidying up the supplies behind him.

Minutes Later you got everything you need and payed for the materials and the decorations and waved Howdy bye and left the shop with the things you need for the party and heading towards the post office, suddenly you encountered Julie and she decided to  walk with you, she was heading to the post office to help Eddie too!, it wasn't far it was just right across the Walkway, you and Julie finally arrived at the post office and you see Eddie and Frank was making the decorations on the table.

Then Eddie waved hi and he surly glad to see you again. "Oh Y/n you got the stuff we needed?" He politely asked.

And you responded with a nod. "Yes got them right here for ya" as you placed the materials on the table.

"Thanks for the help Y/N, I owe you one" Eddie responded and Frank suddenly spoke while looking at you up and down "Well Thank you for your effort, we appreciate it.." he sounds a bit Sassy there like he was suspicion on your presence.

"Please don't mind Frank here Y/N, that's just the way he sounds, right hon?" Eddie turned to look at Frank next to him, as Frank responded before glaring at you "Sure... so your Y/N is it? The new in town? and this party if for your arrival I see.., I've seen you walking around with Wally yesterday."

He might be a little sassy than you expect him to be, he just finds you a very odd puppet new in town, Wally did told you he's a little grumpy neighbor after all.

Meanwhile you four were having a normal conversation while making decorations with Eddie also having a great time with them talking about eachother's interest etc. Then Julie asked you what you'll wear for the party so you told her you are just going to wear a nice dress/suit for the party and then she offered you that if she can style your hair and also begging until you accept the offer, you just can't say no to this cute little blonde, Suddenly Eddie heard the knock on the door, he stood up and answered the door, it was Barnaby and Wally are here to get the finished decorations you guys made as Eddie let them step inside the post office.

While Julie and Frank are having a conversation and you were just there listening to them and you noticed Barnaby and Wally stepped inside the post office and your eyes met Wally's, he can feel your presence too and his face lights up seeing you here, He asked Eddie and Barnaby if he can stay and they don't mind at all as Barnaby took the decorations for him and Howdy to set up and greeted you a little bit and left the post office.

Then Wally sat next to you with a warm loving smile across his cute yellow face. "Hi Y/N, how was your day?:)♡." with a soft gentle tone of his.

"It's been great so far, and thank you again for the party, I really appreciate it." You smiled as your face lights up.

"No worries neighbor, we barely have any visitors, I'm glad you moved here in Welcome Home~." He smiled merrily and scooted little closer to you staring at your beautiful eyes.

Then You and Wally are having a nice conversation while his eyes are staring deeply into yours like it was telling you he is very interested in you and wanting to know more about you and learn about you, he would listen to you very carefully when it comes to your interest and even about yourself as he moved his hand to tough yours.

Hours Later, everything is now set and the sky is slowly getting darker, everyone is now dressed up including you then you heard the knock on your door, it was Julie and Sally and you let them inside your house and sat on the couch to have a little chit chat before going to the party then Julie grabbed your brush just laying on the table and starts brushing/styling your hair.

"Glad to finally meet the new in town." Sally spoke as she raised her eyebrows, she sounded like a fabulous type of gal.

"It's nice to finally meet you too Sally." You smiled while Julie behind you styling your hair while chatting with both of you.

"I gotta say, I like your sense of style there." She compliments your attire while looking at you up and down as Julie was now finished styling your hair (And betch you ate😍).

"Hehe thanks for the compliment, now..ready to go?" You asked them with an excitement expression/mood of yours.

"Of course we are! Ooooh I can't wait to try Sally and Poppy's cupcakes!" Julie excitedly responded and she starts jumping up and down while shaking both of her hands up and down, she's just so excited for this party.

Then she dragged both of you and Sally out of your house heading to the party, you can already see it, just infront of Wally's house Home, there are lights hanging infront of Home and colorful decorations on the party, tonight is going to be fun especially this party is for you, You felt so great full to have them as your neighbors like they are already your friends, This place feels so positive and peaceful, it already feels like home..

End of the Chapter
(Next part is coming soon)

End of the Chapter(Next part is coming soon)

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