~Chapter 13: A Final Wish~

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The rain echoed against Sayaka's windows, she sat in bed, reading the torn pages of the diary with a frown. They all had a pattern.
"Kazuhiko..." She turned the page," Kazuhiko This guy is all over this diary."
Sayaka turned to the next.
"Kazuhiko is... trying to take me...to the silo?"
Sayaka furrowed her brows.
There was a sharp knock at the door, the girl yelped, shoving the pages aside.
"WHAT-!" Sayaka accidentally yelled.
The door opened, revealing her confused brother," Easy. Why are you so jumpy tonight? It's just supper time, Sherlock."
"Takeshi, wait-!"

The two walked through the rain, each with an umbrella

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The two walked through the rain, each with an umbrella. Takeshi held a light, gently propping up his boring navy umbrella with a frown. Sayaka marched closely next to him, her pink and white umbrella decorated in hearts.
"I cannot believe you talked me into this," Takeshi sighed," It's not safe..."
Sayaka glared at him, puffing up her cheeks," And do you think it's safe for my friend!?"
Takeshi raised an eyebrow.
"What is he gets pneumonia? Aughhhh..." Sayaka shivered at the thought.
Takeshi sighed, ignoring his sister's overdramaticness, turning back to look at the path.
"Is that-!?" Takeshi gasped, directing his flashlight to the outline of a person, passed out on the forest floor.
"ZERO!" Sayaka yelled.
The girl ran over, setting a hand on his back," Zero, are you okay?"
Zero slowly crawled over, before collapsing onto her lap," Ugh...so cruel...so cruel, Marnie..."
Sayaka frowned, putting her hand on his forehead.
She glanced at Takeshi," He's burning up."
"I'll go get some help. Wait here."
"You'll be fine," Sayaka reassured.
Takeshi slipped off his jacket, setting it over the entity as a blanket.
"Hang in there!" Sayaka held the umbrella over his head.
"Be right back!" Takeshi ran off.
"Zero..." Sayaka frowned, running a hand through his hair, as the entity panted.

Zero lay in his bed at the Oiwa's, a cold flannel pressed onto his forehead as he panted in his sleep

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Zero lay in his bed at the Oiwa's, a cold flannel pressed onto his forehead as he panted in his sleep.
"How is he doing now?" Sayaka frowned, Setsu smiled at the girl, sympathetically.
"Well, his fever hasn't come down yet. The doctor gave him a shot earlier, but..."
"I see..."

In his dream, Zero ran down the stairs to the marsh in his pyjamas. He was furious. At Marnie. At Tokumei. The wind blew the sea in the direction of the marsh house and the tide was low.
"So cruel..."

Zero panted in his sleep," Marnie...Tokumei..."
He tossed, the flannel falling off.
"How could you..."
His feet felt drenched in sweat.

Zero stepped into the water, his feet drenched in the marsh. He stormed forward, wading through the shallows, clenching his fists tightly to his side. I won't forgive you. Leaving me behind without a word. Zero reached the part he'd usually stare at the marsh house, his feet still submerged in the shallows of the marsh. He ignored the ripples washing over. He was too irritated to care. He stared up at the bedroom, scowling, furious. Marnie and Tokumei rushed forward in the room, their expressions panicked and sad. The window was locked. Tokumei seemed close to tears, banging on the glass for Zero to notice. Zero glared at them, his nostrils flared, expression unchanging. Marnie slammed a statue down at the lock, watching it pop open. The girl chucked it aside, pushing the window open, both flinging themselves as far out of the window as they could.
"Zero!" Tokumei yelled, choked by his pain.
"My dear Zero!" Marnie frowned.
Zero tried to stay annoyed, but he couldn't seem to help the sudden burst of mourning he felt seeing them.
"Tokumei, Marnie! How could you leave me behind back there!? How could you betray me like that!?"
"I'm sorry!" Tokumei wailed," I didn't mean to leave you all alone! But at that moment...you simply weren't there..."
Zero stopped staring at the waves, staring up at them both, heartbroken.
"What are you talking about!?" Zero demanded.

Marnie dipped her head down, ashamed," Oh, Zero, forgive us."
He looked back down at him, clearly just as close to tears as Tokumei was.
"Zero, we cannot stay here any longer! We have to say goodbye to you!" Marnie's voice quavered.
Zero stared at them, not even noticing the waves picking up and soaking more of his trousers.
"So please, Zero, I need...to hear that you forgive us! Please forgive us!"
Zero felt close to admitting it seeing Marnie's pain in her eyes. But as soon as he saw Tokumei's expression. Mourning and tragic, Zero couldn't help but let the tears bubble up to the surface.
"Please...Zero..." Tokumei practically whispered, tears pooling in his eyes like the marsh.
Zero grimaced, letting his own tears stream down his face like inlets," Of course I forgive you two! I love you both! And I won't ever forget you!"
Both Marnie and Tokumei cried, yet their expressions were happy and relieved.
"I'll never forget you!" Zero yelled," Ever!"
A gust of wind blew stronger, a huge ride washing Zero away. Zero grabbed onto the grass of the platform he was usually on in his dreams, pulling himself up with fistfuls. The sun shone over the grass and the mansion, drying and warming the pain that had washed over Zero. The entity stared up at the bedroom window just like normal. Marnie and Tokumei stood there, peacefully, smiling; their hair and clothes lulling in the wind. Marnie gave a closed eye smile, pulling Tokumei into her embrace, stroking his head as a white light washed over them both.

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