Chapter 18 - Tank meets Nicole & Margie gives birth

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He watched her, noticing her dark chocolate colored hair, more than ample bosom, from what he could tell, womanly hips that led his eyes down some very shapely bare legs to tiny little feet with pink painted toenails. She had on a shapeless shift dress so it wasn't easy to tell exactly what she looked like and Tank couldn't explain why but his hands itched to touch her.

"How long have you been here?" Tank asked.

"We got here late Saturday night." Nicole answered.

"Who did that to you?" Tank asked.

"A man I went on blind date with. He started stalking me after I refused to lay down with him or go on another date. Every Saturday night he would get drunk, come to my house demanding that I let him in. Last Saturday, I hadn't locked up after a trip to the grocery store and he came earlier than he usually did. I had just put my kids to bed and was folding laundry in the living room while I watched a show on TV when he just opened the door and walked in.

When I told him to leave, he got mad and started hitting me. I told my kids to run to the neighbors house but Tommy said he couldn't find his shoe and he couldn't reach Amy's coat in the closet so he grabbed my cordless phone from my bedroom and they hid in the closet in the bathroom and called here.

Before you ask, Tommy had a flier that these guys had passed out at school when they had a "stranger danger" assembly. He called and they came and I'm so thankful that they did. Lord only knows what would have happened if they hadn't." Nicole said.

"So what now? I mean, what are your plans moving forward?" Tank asked. He really wanted to ask if Prez and the brothers had taken out the man who had hurt her or not but knew better than to ask a victim questions like that. He will talk to Prez tomorrow.

"Well, tomorrow I'm going to call my boss and see if I still have a job. If he says I do, then I have to request time off at work to heal and then I guess we go on as usual, except I won't be going on anymore blind dates." Nicole said.

"And what happens if he says no?" Tank asked.

"Then I need to start looking for another job as soon as possible. I've got two kids to feed, rent that has to be paid." Nicole said. "I have the insurance money from when my husband was killed but I try to only touch it when there is an emergency. I want to have money to send my kids to college. I don't want them to have to work dead end jobs like my husband and I had to."

"I understand. How did he die, if you don't mind telling me?" Tank asked.

"He was driving a delivery truck across town. A car passed and cut back in too soon. Why do people think they can cut in front of a big truck and then step on the brakes? Other drivers that saw the accident said that Steven tried to avoid them but they cut back too close in front of him. His rig jackknifed and flipped over. He was trapped inside when it exploded.

The coroner told me he inhaled the flames. It wasn't the accident that killed him. He was cooked from the inside while he burned alive. I get nightmares about it. Hence the milk. Sometimes even that doesn't help." Nicole said, not realizing that she had tears rolling down her face.

Tank stepped closer and cupped her cheek as he wiped the tears from her cheek with a gentle hand. "I understand. I lost my wife and some nights no matter how much I try, I can't sleep either. Hence the ice cream." Tank said with a sad smile.

"Care to share? I mean, you listened to me. I'm glad to return the favor." Nicole offered.

Tank took a deep breath and told her about Tina. "Oh how awful." Nicole said and stepped closer to him. She put her hand on his arm, trying to offer him some comfort.

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