Chapter 15 - Welcome to new members

Start from the beginning

"I would be greatly surprised if you don't after what I saw at breakfast but if you don't choose to stay with us, then we will either take you where you want to go, within reason, or help you get set up in town with a job and help you find a place to stay.

I'm sorry but unless you choose to become an ole' lady to one of the men here, you can not stay unless you want to be a clubwhore. We used to have some living here but they kept making so much trouble that we kicked them out." Prez said.

With a nod of understanding, they all stood up and left Prez's office. They were rather surprised to find 3 prospects waiting outside of Prez's office for them. Greggory and Carlyle escorted Candy and Sandra to the main living room.

Bubba and Julia asked Ivan if it was okay for them to see the kitchen. "Sure. Butcher is here too. He's the old cook but since Andy is having to take time off today, he's here making lunch. Andy will do dinner, I think." Ivan informed them and then led them back through the dining room and into the kitchen, where he made the introductions.

"Butcher this is, I'm sorry, I didn't get your names?" Ivan said, feeling like he had fucked up again.

"My name is Charles but everyone has called me Bubba since I was a kid. This is my girlfriend, Julia. It's very nice to meet you." Bubba said, sticking his hand out.

"Nice to meet you, Bubba. Miss Julia. Is there something I can get for you?" Butcher said and couldn't help but wonder who had done that to this soft spoken man and why but didn't ask.

"Prez said that someone named Andy needed help preparing meals? I used to work in the kitchen at the Sheraton in Lexington before we got trapped in at Hanks. I did mostly prep work but I know how to cook too. I've just never done it on my own for as many people as you have here." Bubba said.

"I'm sure Andy will be very glad for the help. I try to come as often as I can but my wife is getting close to her due date. They were telling us the middle of April but we think the doctor is kind of off about that since her stomach has already dropped and she's on almost exclusive bedrest now. We're supposed to have another 6 weeks to go. We are not as young as you folks so we have to be extra careful. This is the farthest she's managed to carry so far. I wouldn't even be here right now but Doc's woman agreed to go sit with her while I came to make lunch." Butcher said.

"Well, tell me what you need me to do and I'll be glad to help you." Bubba said.

"Miss Julia, if you would like to go visit with the other ladies, I'll be glad to walk you down to the living room." Ivan offered.

"Go, baby. I'll come look for you when I'm done." Bubba said and gave her a kiss on the cheek then went to wash his hands.

As Julia walked with Ivan down to the living room, she asked, "Why do we have to have escorts when we are inside? Do they think we are going to steal something?"

"No. No, not at all. Frankly, you'd have to be an idiot to even think about stealing from them. A man would be severely beaten for it and a woman would go to jail." Ivan related what had happened with Foxy and that she was now serving 10 years in prison. "Man, was I glad to see the back side of her. She was constantly making trouble."

When they reached the living room, Ivan told her "If you need to go back to your room or anywhere else in the house, just holler and one of us will come get you."

"Thanks, Ivan." Julia said and then stepped into the living room, only to have all of the women turn to look at her.

"Come on in and have a seat. Your name is Julia, right?" Amanda asked and Julia nodded.

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