Chapter 12 - Hank's Hangout is no more

Start from the beginning

Snoop gave her one more quick kiss and then climbed into one of the armored SUVs that they were taking for this mission. Jasmine couldn't stop the tears that poured down her cheeks as the men left the yard. Amanda saw her standing in the yard, looking so bereft and walked over to put her arm around her.

"Chin up. He's got the strongest members of our club with him and this is not his first go round on one of these missions. He'll be back." Amanda told her.

"I've never believed in love at first sight before but is this what it feels like?" Jasmine choked out, trying desperately hard not to cry.

"A burning fear in your heart that you might never see him again?" Amanda guessed accurately and Jasmine could only nod at the description to exactly what she was feeling. "Sounds like it. Come on inside. It's too cold to be waiting for him to come back out here. Come sit with the rest of us while we wait."

Jasmine let Amanda lead her back inside but as they walked to the living room, Jasmine asked Amanda, "Do you think Doc would be okay with me going to talk to him?"

"Do you feel sick?" Amanda asked.

"No. I'm hoping he can answer some questions for me." Jasmine said.

"It's still early so I don't think he would mind." Amanda said. She was curious to know what Jasmine wanted to talk to Doc about but didn't want to be overly nosy.

They walked together down the hall and Amanda went into the living room while Jasmine continued on to the clinic. Not sure if she should just enter or not, Jasmin knocked on the door and a minute later, Melinda came to the door.

"Hey Jasmine. It's not really necessary for you to knock. What can I do for you?" Melinda asked.

"Is Doc around? I have some questions I'm hoping he can answer for me." Jasmine said.

Neither one of them were really surprised when suddenly Mara appeared behind Jasmine. "Me too?" She asked, having overheard Jasmine.

"Sure. Come on in." Melinda said, pushing the door open wide. "Hon, Jasmine and Mara want to talk to you." Melinda called out to Doc and then went to gather gowns.

"I had a feeling that you two might be coming to see me tonight. You want to know if you can be intimate with your men now, right?" Doc said and both women blushed then nodded.

"It should be alright but, if you don't mind, I'll do pelvic exams just to be sure. Grab a gown and go change then come back and I'll make sure. Okay?" Doc said.

They took turns in the bathroom to change into the hospital gowns and then one by one they went for the examination. Jasmine went first and Doc said "You have healed up just fine but I want you to finish the antibiotics and to do a plain water douche for at least the next three days after every time you have sex just to keep you clean inside. You've only got one tiny little place left to heal but it shouldn't cause you any pain or cause any problems. If it does hurt at any time, make Snoop stop. Understand?" Doc said.

"Yes. Doc, when I'm due for my next shot, will you be able to give it to me?" Jasmine asked.

"Yes but you should also get set up with the OBGYN in town for regular check ups and all of your other lady issues. I just don't have the equipment they do." Doc told her.

"Thanks Doc." Jasmine said as she slid off of the exam table and then walked back over to the bathroom to find Mara waiting. "Your turn." She smiled at her.

Mara nervously walked over to the exam table just as Melinda wiped down the table with an antiseptic wipe and changed the paper. "Jump up here, scoot your bottom to the edge, lay down and put your feet in the stirrups and just relax." Melinda told her.

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