Summer Break.

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Summers in Wisconsin have always been the same, for as long as I could remember. I always wished to get out of this small town. For a summer away for new and better experiences. Yet every year I stay but I've never really had a choice.

My dad says he'd rather me stay at home for the summers to be safe and under his supervision but that's just boring. but its may just also be because he can't afford to send me away somewhere. my dad always say we have enough money but I'm not to sure about that but at least we have a roof over are head an I appreciate everything he does so much.

Even though I'm stuck in boring Wisconsin I still feel like I can make this summer fun in some sort of a way. I just don't know how.

I do still have my friend here that should be fun we get to hang out everyday and do super cool thing. I kinda wish I I had a boyfriend this summer that would be super cool. one of my best friends she actually got with her boyfriend last summer and she has never been happier. The only thing though is that he has cheated on her a few times in the past but I think they're over that situation.

I mean I don't need a man or woman to make me happy but someone to make me feel special could be nice?

You know scratch all that crap about boy and girls this summer should be like a really good one right? Im gonna have so much fun hanging with friends and finding new things about my self. All that relationship stuff it won't be worth it in the end I mean it wouldn't be that hard for me to find someone I like right, like I have never dated anyone and don't plan on any time soon.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 12 ⏰

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