ᑕᕼᗩᑭTEᖇ TᗯEᑎTY

Começar do início

He physically recoils as if he's been hit.

"Or anyone who acts after developing a premature idea of me after a few unconventional interactions."

"To think you could make such a decision after such shallow impressions of me only shows your impulsiveness and stupidity", I spit towards the end.

I narrow my eyes at him. "I bet could probably guess the narrative you're acting off of right now." I cross my arms over my chest and sneer at him.

"Humble peasant stumbles into your life, but her demeanour, while vulgar, is also refreshing. Intriguing if you'd say. Her lax and mannerless approach to life to so fascinating. I gotta keep her around," I say in a whimsical voice with exaggerated gestures.

He sits up as if to rebuttal but no words come out when he opens his mouth. Instead, he deflates slightly and avoids eye contact with me guiltily look.

I scoff.

"It's not like that, lady (Y/N)," he says as if he's trying to convince himself more than me.

It makes me laugh. "Oh yes, that must be it," I say to myself.

"The honest peasant girl who's knows nothing about your life has an endearing kind of ignorance to her. It's refreshing after being cooped up in a palace with people trained to act in front of you", I bite.

"So refreshing that you'd recruit her without knowing a thing".

To think that this is our future ruler.

"Your ability to let someone in your circle so easily worries me". I mean this genuinely.

"The most horrible person you could ever meet in your life could be around you, and if all it takes is them being honest with you when you ask them if they think you're vest if ugly to get in your ranks, I'm sorry, but we're fucked under your rule."

I exhales deeply after that mouthful, moving my jaw that has tensed uncomfortably under the stress.

He should be grateful for my unfiltered tangent. Because there's one thing he wasn't entirely wrong about.

Nobody near him would would tell him these things.

But me being able to doesn't mean that I'd make a good friend.

In fact, I would only see him getting hurt in our friendship when I point out all his blind spots.

He should consider my verbal assault a parting gift and work hard to get it together before he even thinks of taking his father's place.

If only they had other sons. That way there would be more options to choose from.

The silence in the room is deafening.

I wait a few moments to see if he had anything to say back.

Instead he sits still, completely still. He even stopped fiddling with that pillow on his lap.

He looks dejected and lost in thought, an unreadable expression stuck on his face and he seems to be zoned out.

When it's apparent that he has no rebuttals or anything to say to defend himself, I stand up and adjust myself.

I slip my feet back into my shoes and smooth up the wrinkles in my dress.

"I'll have my things packed up by noon. You won't have to see me at dinner", I say with a curt curtsy. Im not sure why I start minding my manners as if it would make up for my blatant disregard for them earlier.

Upon hearing about my intended departure from the castle, he looks up quickly as if he had something he wants to say.

But once again, he clams up and bites his tongue.

K.TH || PRINCE CHARMINGOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora