Cake at Stake

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Laotian: It's time for Cake at Stake!

Nickel: [slaps Laotian] It's Brake at Flake!

Laotian: Shut up!

Cake at Stake intro: All the points are gone, we are free of them now but we look on, to the moment that we see, the next slice of cake, a step closer to the prize bought on by Cake at Stake!

Laotian: Band Aid, you lost first by getting your balloon popped so one of you is going to leave first.

Laotian: Our cake today is cinnamon rolls!

Laotian: Let's see who's safe! Book, Bubble, Match, Nickel, Ruby, Snowball, Spongy and Taco are all safe with 0 votes!

[Book, Bubble, Match, Nickel, Ruby, Snowball, Spongy, Taco get cake]

Book: Cinnamon Rolls! My favourite! [eats it]

Laotian: Pencil, Gelatin and Flower have all tied with 1 vote each!

Laotian: Pencil has been accused of for being a bad team leader, Gelatin has been accused of for throwing forks continuously, and Flower is, okay.

Bubble: Eliminate Pencil!

Match: No, don't eliminate Pencil!

Laotian: Bubble has spoken, Pencil is eliminated!

[Gelatin and Flower get cake]

Gelatin: I promise not to throw anymore forks guys!

Pencil: Match, activate the elimination prevention plan!

Laotian: [wipes out Pencil] Too late!

Laotian: Team Fun!, you lost second because you had your balloon popped by Gelatin, so one of you is going to get out next! Let's see who's safe!

Laotian: Barf Bag, Coiny, Donut, Firey, Leafy, Pin, Stapy and Yellow Face are safe with 0 votes!

[Barf Bag, Coiny, Donut, Firey, Leafy, Pin, Stapy and Yellow Face get cake]

Laotian: Needle and Foldy, you are both in the final 2 with 1 vote each.

Laotian: Needle can get annoying for slapping anyone who calls her Needy, [Needle slaps Laotian] and Foldy can get a bit controversial.

Stapy: Keep Foldy!

Pin: Keep Needle!

Laotian: Okay! [wipes out Foldy]

Bubble: Well I should now declare that I and Ruby are now the leaders of Band Aid and Freesmart!

Ruby: Yay!

Match: Bruh, if it was like, going to go like this.

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