He's your bully (Part 1)

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Y/n walks in to school, she walks fast because next to the main entrance Tom always hangs out with his friends.
He never has anything nice to say, he's a rude and cocky kind of boy.

"Hey Y/n! nice fucking shirt! could it be  a bit sluttier and tighter?"
Y/n jumps and just ignores his stupid comment.
Although she did sort of care what he thinks about her, she would never let anything he has to say get to her head. He's just a stupid teenage boy that needs to proof his "masculinity" after all.

You walk towards your friends, Mia and Daisy.
Mia: "Oh my god did Tom just talk to you?"
Y/n: "Yeah? He's been bullying me for ages, Mia. How could you forget?"
Mia: "Whatever. He's totally in love with you."
Daisy: "Exactly! Didn't you see how he looked at you after you ignored him?"
Mia: "Totally lovestruck"
Y/n: "Yeah okay. Sure, I also always bully my crush. You both are so delusional. Now let's get to class"

Y/n walks to class with her friends while Tom follows her.
He talks to his friends quietly, but Y/n could still hear him.

Tom: "She looks so pretty"
His friend: "Why do you treat her like this if you like her? You don't make sense"

"Are they talking about me?", Y/n thinks, "as far as i noticed he only bullies me. Wait- why do I even care? I hate him and he hates me."

In class Y/n takes notes and feels someone staring at her relentlessly.
She tries her best to ignore it but it's hard when Tom Kaulitz is looking at her. He does look good in a way, she can't lie about that.
Nonetheless he's a big jerk.
It feels like the time won't pass, until the ringing bell rescues her.
Y/n packs up her things until Tom approaches her.

"Hey" *Tom grabs her shoulder*

She flinches "Can you please not touch me?" *moves her shoulder* "What?"

"Could we talk after school?" *He looks at her nervously*

"Why so you can tell me what a slut I am?" *crosses her arms*

"No I just wanted t...Well can we talk??"

"Fine. Where?"

"Next to the cherry tree"

*The schoolday passes slowly but surely and she walks towards the cherry tree in the school*

Y/n is confused because the cherry tree is known for romantic things like promposals and cute valentines day pictures.

"Hey", Tom says. Hearing his voice gave her butterflies. Why did that happen? He treats her like garbage

"Hi" The silence after those words was too loud

"...So?", Y/n asks with a questioning look on her face

"Uh so...I was wondering if uh- you wanna go...drink a coffee or something with me?..In a few days?"

"Tom uh- where does that come from? You bullied me for like a half year and now you ask me out on some kind of date out of the blue?"

"..." Tom crosses his arms and looks at you nervously.

"I am very sorry but I don't want to see you more than i have to. Have a good day, Tom"


It has really been a while since I wrote stories here. I hope you enjoyed this one!
Part 2 is coming soon!

Total: 560 words <3

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