In the many months of working for the Kamisatos, he'd never seen the need to draw his blade out in public before this incident. The attacker carried a spear, one embroidered with the colours of a rival commission. He swore under his breath, instinctively moving to shield Ayato as he parried the blade.

At the sound of trouble, the civilians of the street instantly scattered, dispersing in every direction as they ran for their lives. (M/N) only took a couple short strikes to subdue the assailant, rushing back to Thoma and Ayato immediately. The younger boys were in a state of shock with the blonde having dropped his sac of groceries.

"Let's go!" Ushered (M/N), snapping their daze. They nodded before they hurried back the way they came, with the bodyguard defending their backs as they retreated. Sword in hand, the samurai observed the alleyways closely, anticipating more opponents.

Of course, he was correct. Many other masked men appeared from the nooks and crannies, chasing them relentlessly. Ayato panted as he ran, mind teeming with a plethora of unwanted thoughts. He was warned from childhood of this sort of potential danger, but he'd never taken it to heart, swearing to himself he'd fight tooth and nail if anything of the sort ever occurred.

Yet, here he was, fleeing, tail between his legs, as he scampered back towards the Kamisato estate. Thankfully, Ritou port wasn't too far from the manor, meaning that they only had a short ways to go. Mind in a daze, Ayato's footsteps were heavily and disorganized, much unlike his usual light and pondering amble.

"We're almost there, run!" Thoma cried, pulling Ayato along. (M/N) grunted in assent, focused on holding off the 4 men jabbing at him. It would be a lie to say he wasn't tired, but he was sure that he could make it. Finally, he could prove his worth as a bodyguard, show the Kamisatos that they hadn't made a mistake in choosing him.

Almost... Almost... Ayato chanted mentally, willing his already searing legs to propel himself further. The goal was in sight now and the boy was running with renewed hope. Help and safety were in sight! He only had to be strong enough to push himself just a bit more!

Not even 500 meters from the gates of the estate, a rock from the sidewalk caught him in the toe, making him stumble. He stopped momentarily, Thoma quickly coming over to support his arm from his shoulder. The pause was mere seconds, but it was a big enough interval for the attackers to make a move.

Ayato's pale violet eyes widened as a spear jabbed at him. Like a deer in headlights, he was too stunned to dodge, though his gut was screaming at him to do so. In the end, it was (M/N) who saved him. An elbow caught the Kamisato in the shoulder, shoving him roughly aside as the swordsman intercepted the blow with his body.

A pained groan left (M/N)'s lips as a white-hot pain erupted from his abdomen. Instinctively, he grasped the unknown assassin's spear handle, holding it at bay so he wasn't completely skewered. Staggering slightly, he ripped the weapon from his gut and snatched it from the hands of the attacker.

Blood painted the stone road as Ayato and Thoma stood, shocked at this turn of events. Ayato was about to scream, to run to (M/N), grab him roughly by the shoulders and hug him, hard. Red was splattered everywhere as the bodyguard coughed, holding his sword with one hand as he clutched his side with the other.

"Thoma! Take him to the estate!" he ordered, blood bubbling in his throat. The blonde shook off his shock relatively quickly, understanding that Ayato's safety was worth more than both their lives combined. The blue-haired teen, however, shook his head, shocked at how (M/N) could say such a thing.
"No! I can't leave you-"
"Now! Go!" (M/N) repeated, his blade clanging with the spears of the few assassins that were left, "I'll be right behind you!" A blatant lie, but it seemed to be enough to calm the waves of disorganized turmoil getting the better of Ayato's brain.

Half dragged by Thoma and half running, the younger two burst through the gates of the property to be immediately grabbed by maids and guards, hurrying them inside. Almost blinded by tears, Ayato could hear screaming and shouting of the estate's guards, pointing and running off to the source of the commotion.

As he was taken away by the servants of the manor, he looked back towards Ritou, desperately searching for those locks of (H/C) hair. He didn't find them. Instead, framed by the wide gate, a horrific scene met his eyes.

Bodies. Bodies of the Kamisatos' guards, bodies of the assassins.

And a slumped body whose robed were scarlet with blood, seemingly unconscious.

To Ayato's horror, its face was obscured by a bamboo samurai's hat.



im sososo sorry it took me so long to write this!! i had a motivation shortage, but im back again which is the good thing <333

im not very happy with how it turned out, but I hope it should do for an update, i promise the next chapter's gonna b mor hq

anyways, i promise this is one of the last exposition chapters, ill get to the real real story soon!!

that's all, see you next time?

(p.s. dw gang im not heartless enough to kill our dear m/n so early on, emphasis on not so early on 🤭)

HIATUS || 𝐋𝐮𝐜𝐞𝐧𝐭 || Kamisato Ayato x M!Readerजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें