Chapter 8: When in need

Start from the beginning

After getting adjusted to being awake I walked into the kitchen and everyone was sitting at the table talking. I got my water and Katsu came over and gave me a hug. "You good sleepy head. " he asked.

"Yea titan, where did you go after school?" I asked, confused. "I just went home so I could facetime with Naomi," he said. I shook my head then took a seat in between Hikari and Mae. There was an open seat next to Elijah but I felt like sitting next to my friends.

We all talked about anything and I noticed Elijah looked uncomfortable. It was actually pretty cute. But I couldn't focus on that because there was tension in the air and we all knew it.

Mae tapped me and whispered in my ear. "Does Elijah know about the gems?" I shook my head and whispered back. "We barely know about them. She nodded, then said "We need to talk about what happened today" I nodded. Katsu came over and put his arm around me.

I looked over towards the door and Elijah had this pissed off look on his face. 'I wonder what that's about?' I asked myself. I figured I would just ask him what was up later.

After a couple hours Elijah said he had to go home and I figured I would just walk home with him because we haven't hung out a lot lately and why not.

I said bye to my friends and me and Elijah started walking home. He still looked pretty pissed so I took this as an opportunity to ask him what was wrong.

"Hey you ok? You seem kinda pissed off at my friends house" I said. He didn't respond for a good two minutes

Untill eventually he said "I'm fine, I'm just pissed at the fact that you were flirting with that Katsu nigga all damn day."

I was shocked. "What the hell are you talking about?" I asked confused. Where did this even come from

"Oh don't act fucking dumb, you know exactly what you were doing, hugging all on him and shit, you were all over him!" he yelled.

We argued for a while before he did something I would have never expected. He turned to me and violently grabbed my wrist and screamed at me

"I don't want your hoe ass to ever touch him like that ever again."

I tried to pull away from him but he kept pulling me back and saying more crazy shit like if he ever saw me talking to Katsu ever again he would bash my head against the pavement.

I was so fucking scared that all I could do was nod my head and then he let go of my hand. He continued walking but I just stood in place, shocked. He was at home by the time I started walking again. As soon as I stepped foot into my room I started sobbing into my pillow.

"Why would he do that?"and "what did I do?" were the only two things constantly spinning around my head in that moment.

I needed to tell someone when I realized I had no one to turn to, I had to fight this battle on my own, the only problem was, I didn't want to fight.

I sat up in my bed and grabbed my phone. I played some music to calm me down and open my mind up so I can think about all the shit that happened today. First my best friend passed out then as we're talking to the sirens I started to get insanely hot and somehow burn Hamira, then my boyfriend yelled at me, grabbed me and threatened me. What a fucking day.

But why did he go off like that and what's wrong with me. That wasn't like me and it wasn't like him. Then out of nowhere I started crying again. My chest felt heavy and I remembered a dream I had.

Naomi POV

I woke up in my bed. My head hurt so bad I felt like I couldn't move. Everything felt weird and the room seemed to be spinning. When my head stopped pounding I sat up and looked around to see my door open. I wonder if anyone was home.

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