Chuuya Nakahara

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"Stop playing with it!" Dazai whined "You're gonna mess it up!"

"Oh shut up, it feels nice!" I retorted "Besides, if it does come undone, you can just braid it again"

"Hm?" he smirked "Seems to me that Chuuya's looking for an excuse for me to pamper him again"

I threw his uniform shirt at his face, which he caught. He laughed and began neatly folding it to put in his backpack.

He finally finished packing his stuff to go back home. I told him that he could keep the clothes I gave him.

"Hey" he said, catching my attention "If Kouyou's alright with it, of course, would you wanna come over to my house?"

I thought for a second, then shrugged my shoulders indifferently.

"Sure" I replied "why not?"

His eyes lit up for a split second, before returning to their normal state.

"Great" he smiled "best pack a bag in case you're there for too long"

I rolled my eyes and grabbed my small bag. I neatly placed my school uniform in, then added some pyjama clothing as well as a few hygiene products, like toothpaste and deoderant.

After I was all packed, I went downstairs where Kouyou was reading in the livingroom.


She looked up from her book "What is it, dear?"

"Umm" I hesitated "Would-would it be alright if I-umm..."

C'mon, Chuuya! It's a simple question!

'Can I stay over at Dazai's?'

Why is it so hard for me to say?!

"If uhh"

"Would it be okay with you if Chuuya stayed at my place?"

"Oh" Kouyou exclaimed "Of course it's alright"

She turned to me, giving me a gentle smile "Chuuya, dear, you don't need to worry about asking me such things. I promise, so long as it's a reasonable request, my answer will rarely ever be 'no'"

I nodded, thanking Kouyou before going back up the stairs to retrieve my bag. Once inside, I slapped my face to my palm.

"What the hell was that?" I whispered harshly to myself "It was a simple question and you just couldn't get it out of your damn mouth"


Dazai came sauntering into my room, a big dopey grin on his face.

"Hi" I grumbled.

"Hm?" he tilted his head to the side "What's the matter, Chuuya?"


Dazai moved in front of me and stared at me for a few seconds before poking my nose.

"Chuuya sure lies a lot" he said.

"Huh?" I rubbed my nose a bit "No I don't"

"He did it again!" Dazai whined.

"Why are you referring to me in the third person?" I asked confused.

"Why are you lying about how you feel?" he responded.

"You can't answer my question with another question!"

"But Chuuya's sad" he said wrapping his arms around me in a constricting hug "He knows I don't like when he's sad"

"I'm not sad, asshole!" I snapped "Now let go, you're crushing me!"

Dazai finally let go of me, but he kept his hands on my shoulders.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 06 ⏰

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