"Do I know you from somewhere?" He asked, blinking profusely.

"Obviously not," Persephone deadpanned. "If I did know you I wouldn't be asking who the fuck you were."

Even with his gracious looks, the blonde couldn't stop the sarcasm and attitude from pouring out.

"Right... right I'm Luke, from cabin eleven. I'm your your guide for Camp Half-Blood." The boy, Luke, grinned with pearly white teeth. Apparently, whatever daze he was in beforehand was shaken off.

Persephone tilted her head, "Horse guy said I had five minutes."

"H-... horse guy?" Like stammered, and badly hid a chuckle at that. "Chiron, I think you meant. And yeah, but I was close by so I just decided to come now. That's one of the things you'll learn here at camp — time is relative."

"Did you just... quote Albert Einstein at me?" Persephone said with disbelief, "God, I'm surrounded by a bunch of weirdos."

Luke blinked, probably having been told that for the first time. Then he held his arms up for his defense. "I think we got off on the wrong foot." He shook his head.

"You think?" Persephone replied sarcastically, her folded arms coming down to her side.

Like stuck out his hand, "I'm Luke Castellan, and I'm your tour guide, and unofficial official cabin leader. At least — until you get claimed."

"Claimed?" The blonde furrowed her eyebrows, "What kind of kinky shit-"

"Oh, woah, woah, woah, woah, woah." Like quickly stammered out, "Not... not like that."

He then squinted his eyes at her, a confused look on his face.

"What all do you know?" He asked.

Persephone thought for a moment, "I know my dads a... Greek god, monsters are after me and my brother, and monsters wear underpants."

"Well, looks like you know everything." Luke joked with a grin, but Persephone simply deadpanned at him. "Anyways... follow me, I'll give you the greatest tour you'll ever get in your entire life."

"Exiting." Persephone nodded, following after the curly haired boy.

They exited a house, and went down the steps that showcased the view Persephone had seen earlier, just more clearly.

"What you were in was the big house, Mr. D and Chiron usually play card games in there, and it's also where the infirmary is. Most kids hate it in there, says it makes their nose stuffy... besides Apollo kids, of course. Those natural healers are basically in their habitat when there in the infirmary."

Persephone nodded, and glided her finger alongside a tree branch as they past it. She did not want to be there, and it was noticeable.

"If you ask me," Luke whispered as he got closer to Persephone, "They like being in there alone so they can smoke some of the goods the Demeter kids grew for them... if you know what I mean."

Persephone looked over with a blank face, "What do you mean they grew it?"

Luke stopped, and he paused with a few blinks, "Yeah that's my bad, let me start from the beginning, okay?" Luke led her over to a stranded picnic table, and the two took a seat opposite of each other. "For the last millennium, the Greek gods have been procreating with humans. The result from that is us, Demigods. But, we like the term Half-Bloods. And depending on your godly parent, you can have abilities that correlate to what that god was the god of. So, children of Demeter can grow just about anything. Aphrodite, sweet talk — they can make anyone to anything just by saying it. Apollo kids are good with a bow and arrow, and are healers. Hephaestus kids can withstand heat to a torturous level, and are the best will smiths around. Those are just a few, really, it's easy to figure out. Just like everything here."

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