Yandare zhongli🫢

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Childe went to go to a store to buy some groceries ofc zhonglis bodyguards has to go with childe to make sure childe is safe when this random guy walked up to childe and started getting close to him "do you need any help finding anything sir?~" childe shaking his head no while the bodyguards block the guy from touching childe "hey! Get out of the way trying to look at the pretty boy..." "sir. Please step back or face consequences he has a boyfriend." "PFTTT- SO???" He whispers under his breath "it's not like he's one of the archons Pft.. no way man.. or one of the fatui.." the man said grinning childe takes his phone out o text zhongli the guy took a peek on childes phone and sees childe number and tries to copy it down.

"Excuse me?? Don't look at my phone creep!" The guy walks away childe continues to shop for groceries "cmon sweetheart... there are many ways you can call other stuff... like your new man?" Childe looks at him with disgust and takes a picture of him to show zhongli "taking a picture of me how cute.." The bodyguards pushed the guy away leaving childe alone... "finally" childe rolls his eyes and continued shopping for Ingredients tho childe saw the man while shopping feeling uncomfortable when walking past the man at lanes and aisle.

Childe was at the cash register bagging groceries looked at one of the aisles and saw that man again.. except taking pictures of him childe covered himself with a plastics Walmart bag "something bothering you sir childe? Asked one of the bodyguards" childe was sweating at that point "can you please? Stand in front of me? That creepy guy.. is taking pictures of me and I want him to stop." The bodyguard nods as the bodyguard stands in front of childe. Childe let out a sigh of relief and continued to pack the groceries starting to put them in the cart as childe finished paying the cashier they immediately go to the car putting the groceries in the trunk losing the creepy man.

While driving zhongli saw the text zhongli started typing aggressively as his coworkers and assistants heard his aggressive typing keqing walked over to him "you alright?" She says zhongli doesn't acknowledge her one bit keqing turned to the others and shrugs then just walks off feeling awkward "childe are you alright? Did he do anything?!" "No.. no.. xiansheng😭 he didn't all he did was take picture of me.. that's all" "YOU SEE! HE DID DO SOMETHING!!" "Oh I though you meant physically.. but yeah he DJ take pictures of me I felt uncomfortable😭😭💀" zhongli frowns texting him "it's ok I'll handle it ☺️ bye love ❤️ ge
home safe!" Zhongli said childe felt much better "bye xiansheng"

(Next chapter soon or not idk😭 love y'all stay safe!! <333 also give me suggestions please!!)

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