Chapter 12

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Fix a heart

Chapter 12

"If there are no heros to save you, then you be the hero" -Devin kyoshi

Harry's POV:

I couldn't quite shake the feeling out of me; the guilt swarming throughout my whole body.

I hear a boom, startled as I look up to the source; a pink rocket shooting through the sky, exploding into multiple strings of light.

I feel Blair nudge my side, her eyebrows raising at me. "There's your fireworks." She says, smiling slightly.

"Yours too." I say back.

I could tell she was caught off guard by my odd use of tone, but I couldn't help it....I feel....horrible.

"Hey do you want to go?" I ask her.

"It's barely even dark, and I thought you wanted to stay?" She questions.

"No no, we can go. You said earlier you wanted to go." I say, already heading to walk across the fair; to the exit.

Blair follows quite, and confused behind me. I just need to get home. The feeling is coming back. The one where I want to go have just one drink; but I end up getting wasted and getting into trouble.

I just need to go home and crash. I can't ruin this by doing something stupid.

Before I know it we had reached my car, Blair still silent at my sudden mood change as she opens her door, climbing inside.

I purse my lips together as I start the engine, knowing that Blair is going to question me.

"Are you okay Harry?" She asks.

I keep my eyes on the street, trying to pull it off.

"Yeah...yeah I'm fine." I say, shrugging my shoulders as I shoot her a small smile.

Blair's POV:

We were doing so great; actually having conversation before he totally got all weird on me. I stay silent in my seat, holding back my questions.

I want to know why he's mad all a sudden. What did I do?

Is it because I had opened up to him a little bit about my old problems and freaked him out?

If that's it...then that's just completely disgusting. Because I think he would at least be considerate about that, because he's the one that caused it. But maybe he doesn't care. And he probably never will.

I get pried from my thoughts as I feel the breaks trigger; seeing my house before me.

"I'll...see you later, yeah Blair?" Harry asks me, still a non-believable smile on his face.

I open my door, getting out without an answer. I see him through the window, his hands running over his face before I turn away, stomping up my driveway.


"I thought we were actually getting along okay for a while." I tell Sadie, leaning my head back against the seat of her car. We decided to go out to dinner to talk; just to spend time together before she has a night class at her college.

"I don't know, maybe he was just startled by knowing what he really did to you?" She suggests.

I shrug my shoulders, really having no idea of why he rushed me home so fast. And he also had held my hand, which had shocked me.

"I don't know." I mumble.

Sadie parks her car on the side of a street. I slump out of the car, running my hands through my hair as I follow after Sadie. I hear shouting from down the sidewalk of the resteraunt we are about to go into; not thinking anything of it before I hear a familiar voice.

I grab Sadie's arm, stopping her from pushing through the resteraunt door.

"Did you hear that?" I ask, trying to peer further down the sidewalk where the shout had come from; the darkness not helping.

"That sounded like Harry." I tell her, looking to her only for a moment before I start to walk towards the source.

I start to get worried as I hear the yells getting louder, knowing for sure that it's Harry now; his raspy voice unmistakable.

My hand flys over my mouth as I see figures in the dim of a light; looking up to see the sign of a bar; one of the lights broken; causing flickers to be created over the two people that are under the light. Harry and another man.

The first thing I thought of was to stop them; ignoring Sadie's calls for me. My eyes flinch shut for a moment as I see Harry throw an intruding punch at the mans jaw, making him stumble back. Harry took the opportunity to sock him in the gut, making my hands tremble at the intimidation.

"Stop, stop!" I shout, moving closer to the two males.

Harry's head snaps up to me; his mouth opening slightly. The man takes this moment of un-concentration to his advantage, socking Harry from the side of his face, and I notice blood trickling from his lips.

I shriek as a kick is aimed at his stomach; this time sending him to the floor, curling up into fetal position.

"Stop!" I yell as the man lifts his foot to kick Harry, giving me a short glance before doing it anyways; a grunt falling from Harry.

"I-I'll call the cops!" I yell as a warning; hoping that would send him away.

As more kicks are impacted at Harry I shakily dig my phone out; my eyes scarringly still fixed on the scene just a short distance before me.

"Im going to dial it if you don't leave right now!" I shout one more time; recieving a pissed off glare from the man before he finally gives up, running down the sidewalk and away from the scene.

I let my phone clatter to the floor, running over to Harry; my hands still shaking in fear.

"Harry?" My voice trembles, my bare knees digging into the cemented sidewalk.

My eyes widen as I hear a laugh emit from Harry; his body shaking from the laugh as he still lies on his side.

"Harry are you drunk?" I ask him.

"No." He giggles, rolling so he's flat on his back; my knees now beside his head as I look down on him.

I knew he was drunk as he continued to giggle, his arms spread out beside him.

"Harry let me take you home." I say.

Why is he here anyway? What happened?

"I'm not going home, I'm fine." Harry says, his voice pitchier than usual as he props himself up onto his elbows.

I move myself so I sit beside him; still on my knees. I watch as he pushes out his bottom lip which has a cut, his eyes being moved down as far as they could go as he stupidly tries to look at his pouted lip; his large; cut up hand reaching to touch it.

"Ow." He mumbles, his elbows giving up on him as he falls back to his backside.

"Harry you're all beat up." I tell him, taking a hold of his forearm.

"Blair!" Sadie's voice calls from behind me.

"What the hell happened?" She asks.

"I-I don't know." I sigh.

"We just need to get him home." I say.

"I told you I'm fine Blair. And I cant go home." Harry says dramatically with a silly smile plastered on his face; shaking his head.

"So woorriieeeddd." He drunkenly jokes, raising his arm from the floor to try and play with the ends of my hair that dangle above him; my hands pushing it back down.

"Will you help me Sadie?" I plead.

She nods her head slightly before walking to the other side of Harry; grabbing his large arm as I do the same.

He laughs as we try to hoist him off the ground, his legs weak as he stumbles into a stand.

"Harry stay still." I mutter to him as I turn to Sadie.

I grunt in irritation as I feel Harry's fingers wrap around the ends of my hair again; twirling a chunk around one of his large fingers. I roll my eyes as I push his hand away.

I grab a hold of his arm to make sure he doesn't wander off, "Can we take him back to our house?" I ask Sadie.

She takes her eyes off him to look to me, "Yeah." She says, moving back down the sidewalk to her car.

I call her back to help me with Harry after picking up my phone, both our arms being placed around his waist to help him to the car.

"I'm not driving with you." Harry laughs.

"Why not?" I sigh as we already reach the car.

"Because-" He stumbles into me, the alcohol smelt on his breath.

"We could get in a crash...and die." He chuckles.

He backs away from me, smiling like an idiot.

"Harry, get into the car." I say sternly.

He shakes his head with his eyes closed, making me grunt.

"I guess I'll just have to walk him back to the house." I inform Sadie.

It will be even harder to argue with a wasted Harry.

"I'd help but I have my class." She says worriedly.

"It's fine, we'll be there in like ten minutes tops. Go ahead." I tell her.

We discuss it a bit more before she gets in her car, leaving me with Harry.

"Now, since you wouldn't get in the damn car we have to walk." I tell Harry who still stands in the middle of the street.

I put my arm back around his waist, his weight partly rested on me.

"God Harry your heavy." I grunt.

"I am aren't I?" He pouts.

"Im just joking." I tell him.

"So wait, does that mean you think I'm hot?" He asks.

"Harry shut up and concentrate on walking straight." I say, us already almost falling a few times from our feet colliding.

I pinch his side of where my hands rests when I feel his hand rest on my bum, Harry squirming in my hold as my nails dug into his skin.

"Keep your hands to yourself." I tell him, my feet already becoming tired even though we are only halfway there.

"You're pretty." Harry says.

I turn my head to see his eyes on me, my cheeks oddly heating a bit.

"Harry." I laugh.

"What it's true." He giggles.

"Just keep walking."

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