Her Pain (Akshnav)

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The only question coming to her mind again and again was why. Why everyone is forcing her to get married that too with a person she hated and still hates the most. The only person responsible for her every pain, her every cries and agony.

What does her family see in Abhimanyu Birla that they are forcing her to marry him.

She wiped her tears and kept her hands over the slightly swelled baby bump.

No Abhinav, I would never accept this . They are saying that you will be happy with this decision but I know you won't be even if you will be then do you think I will be happy. Why why did you left me when you promised to stay forever abhinav. You promised me right, you promised me that you would be with me forever. You would be with me in every thick and thin. Then why.

You k ow abhinav, I got your dairy today. The same dairy which you used to hide from me. You had lots of plan for us na. For our small family. For our abhir. You have even planned every thing for him. His school, college, his own bike, his career, his weekly treats everything.

My betu. He never smiled after you left abhinav. The only time I saw him happy was when he get to know that he was going to be a big bro. But... but it never reached his eyes.

And you know, I feel... no no, I know that our baby is gonna be a girl, you've always wanted a girl child too na. And I know she will make better PJ's than you.

You know I don't like to leave you here just like that but visiting time is over na. They won't let me stay here more. And I need to take care of our baby girl and Nikki ji too na, or else I am sure that when you will wake up then scold me for not taking care of them

Love you abhinav she said kissing his forehead. His whole body was covered by wires and machines, which keeps him alive.

She looked at him for a last time and went out and wiped the tears. I am waiting abhinav, get up soon please

She left the hospital after having a regular checkup from arohi. Her aru who is now all acting as a mother for her. From her morning meal to medical checkups, all are done by her aru.

After reaching goenka mansion, she saw both the Goenka s and birlas were there sitting and discussing something serious, she was going towards her room without them notice when she heard their conversation, it was about Akshara's and Abhimanyu's wedding. She was walking past as this was a usual topic for them but what made her furious was when she saw they trying to manipulate abir.

She saw Manjari who was saying something to abhir and she could clearly sense that he was uncomfortable.


Mj : abhir, bacha understand beta that abhinav ji won't come back, you need a complete family na, you want to stay with both your mumma and dada right like other kids.

That was it for akshara she stormed towards the hall.

Abhir saw his mumma there and he knew she would handle them so get down her lap and ran towards his room. He opened the wardrobe where all the clothes of abhinav was kept, he crawled inside it and hugged those shirt and started to complaint to his papa about his Dida and dada. He was hating them now.

( Back to hall )

"What are you teaching my kid" she asked furiously to Manjari who was nervously holding her pallu

"I asked what the hell are you teaching my kid Mrs Manjari Birla" she screamed and that was enough to give goosebumps to all people who was present there.

"Akshu calm down its not good for your health" said a concerned kairav but she just glared at him and looked at Manjari.

"What do you think that you will say few sweet words to him and he will forget his father. He is Abhir Abhinav Sharma, son of Abhinav Sharma. Do you get that" she said controlling her urge to spill few curse words to the woman infront of her.

Manjari was about to say something but akshara interrupted. "Please... please don't start you he is his biological father drama coz I am fed up of that."

"Abhinav ji is no more akshara and I am doing this for my grandchil, you may ignore him because you are gonna be a monther of abhinav ji but I can ignore the agony of my grandchild. He needs a normal childhood, he should grow up with his parents, or else it would effect his personality" she said trying to be reasonable but all akshara did was laugh in sarcasm.

"Mr abhimanyu birla was also grown up with both his parents mrs Birla. Do I need to elaborate more" she asked and Manjari fell silent.

Akshara was feeling low since morning and she didn't wanted to fight anymore so she was about to go to her room when she heard Manjari's voice.

"Abhinav ji is dead akshar, he is dead and would never come back so think practically" that was the last mail of the coffin for her.

"No... my abhinav is not dead he is still alive" she screamed on the top of her voice, she stumbled a bit and was about to fall but muskan and kairav hold her at the right time.

Kairav carry her and went towards into her room, he glared at Manjari and that glare was a warning, warning not to mess with his sister again.

Kairav made akshu sit on the bed, she was numb. She wasn't responding he shook her a few times. She looked at him with vulnerable eyes.

My abhinav is alive... he is not dead he is alive
He is alive
He is alive
He is alive

She felt her sight blurring, everything was turning dark and she didn't realised when she blacked out.


This is a ts I am working on for few days.

Hope you would like it.

I will complete the first os after this coz I have completed writing this.

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