Chapter 4

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When we arrived,Sihle was already waiting for me. I went outside to welcome her and she literally ambushed me in a hug , you could see that she was really happy to see me and that made my heart to melt.

"Sis Hlelo ufikile (you have arrived)" Siphosihle said

" Yebo ngifikile yini ngathi umangele ? ( Yes I have arrived, whydo you sound surprised ?)" I said

"Honestly I wasn't sure if uzofika( you were going to arrive) I'm used to people pretending to care for me only for them to actually care about the money I have. " She said

Where does she get the money from and if she actually has it , why is she suffering?

" Nana I do not care about your money I have my own , I actually care about you and I promise that I will forever be here for you manje (now) there's someone I want you to meet. " I said

"As long as they are sweet like you "she said


Sihle is sweet and respectful but you can see that she is emotionally hurt. You can see that behind her beautiful and charming smile hides the pain and a broken heart.

"Sihle lo uBusi umgani wam omkhulu ,Busi lo uSihle igane yami ( Sihle this is Busi my best friend, Busi this is Sihle my baby). " I said

"Nice to meet you sis Busi " Siphosihle said

"hayi hayi ungangibizi usisi ha ungenza ugogo ngibize ngo Busi phela ngisasemncane yoh ( please don't call sis , you are making me feel old please call me Busi , I am still young. )"Busisiwe said

"laughing) Busi ukuthi ngikubiza ngo sis ngoba  ngiyakuhlonipha ( laughing) ( Busi I call you sis because I respect you). " Siphosihle said

My friend can be dumb yazi kodwa. Hayi but my heart is at peace I have my favorite people who I adore next to me.

"Okay guys what would like to have but first we are going to buy Sihle's phone then go and eat so nifunani. ( What do y'all want?" I said

"McDonalds !" they both said at the same time.

"what? I won't lie I am surprised to find the three of us loving the same food,wow like wow " I said

"Yeah don't act surprised. " Busi said before busting into laugh 

Sihle was also laughing as well. On the way to Southgate mall we were listening to umaskandi turns out mina no Sihle love umaskandi ( me and Sihle love maskandi) but uBusi doesn't. You could have seen how bored she was and Sihle kept on making a her a joke.

Nkosiyabo's pov

I've been waiting for my little sister and she is no where to be found she is not even answering my calls. I wanted to tell her that I have managed to get an apartment to live in as well as a part time job just to sustain us and I wanted to apologize for ditching her with our cousins speaking of our cousins let me ask them about Sihle's whereabouts.

I saw them speaking to each other like they were fighting. As I got closer to them I heard them discussing my sister with their father which is my uncle. What I heard made me angry  their father was planning to molest ingane yasekhaya ( my little sister) before they could even continue I interrupted their conversation and you could see the uneasiness in their eyes  but I acted like I didn't see that.

I didn't care about anything or anyone my goal was to find Siphosihle. As I was looking for her I saw her coming out of a car and she was happy. 

It's been a while since I saw that beautiful smile ever since our parents died ,her smile died with them. I tried bringing back that smile but it was never there but to see  other people being able to bring that smile back broke my heart. It made me feel like a failure.

" Bhuti omdala sawubona (my older brother hi )" she said

Even the way she is calling me I could tell that she is genuinely  happy.

"Sihle ubuyaphi kunini ngikulindile?( Sihle where have you been? I've been waiting for you. "I said

Sihle : "I was out with my sisters, they bought me a new phone and we ate lunch at McDonald's. "

"Manje ( but )why didn't you answer my calls I've been calling you ? "

" Umalume ( our uncle) saw it fit to give his princess my phone so I don't have a phone and bhuti  ngiyasaba ( brother I am scared) I am not going back to that house umalume is planning to sleep with me. They have been planning it for a while. " She said with tears streaming down her beautiful face.

" Sihle khuluma bakwezeni ? ( Speak what did they do?"

" Umalume ( uncle) inserted his finger in my private part. He said I must not tell anyone otherwise he is going to kill me just like he did ngoma no baba( with mommy and daddy). He did it on a daily basis  before I came to school and after  school. He said that he was preparing my body for greater things. Bhuti don't leave me with those people they don't want us. " She said crying.

" Listen here  Sihle I am not leaving you here ngiyaxolisa( I'm sorry) I've been a bad brother to you but I promise I am not going to allow  it ever again. Ashambe siyolanda izinto zakho ( let's go and fetch your stuff). I have a surprise for you kodwa askies( but I'm sorry), I promise to do better. '

I definitely failed my sister.

Hlelolwenkosi pov
After dropping Busi and Sihle reality kicked. I remembered that I left my mom in a state speaking of which I decided to call her just to know how she is feeling.

" Sthandwa sam ? ( My love )" she asked

Me : " MaNyambose unjin ? (how are you)"

Me: " I am waiting for you where are you I've been waiting for you. "
Mom : " I am at the gate relaxa vele we have a lot to talk about. "

Judging by the way my mom spoke to me it seems like there is a lot that I need to know which scares the hell out of me.

Author's note
Hi guys sorry for the late updates need to focus on my studies but will update two chapters in a week.
Apologies for any inconveniences

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