Chapter 1

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It was already nine thirty I was running late ,I went and hugged my aunt and kissed her on her cheek "Allah Hafez mami , I am going to hospital" I said to my aunt "Allah Hafez, take care" my aunt said ,I nodded as I left the house.Two minutes later it started to rain "Ya Allah,why does it have to rain now?" I said, I was trying my best not to get drenched in the rain.I tried stopping cabs but they weren't willing to go.I was about to call my colleague, Dr.Noor to inform her that , I'm going to get late , suddenly a car passed by my side splashing dirty water and mud all over me,"What the hell" I screamed.

The car stopped on its track.The back seat's door opened and a man with an umbrella came out , he had worn a black suit with white shirt,he approached to me "I'm sorry" he said , I was trying to clean myself as I looked at him, his eyes were light brown,he had brown silky hair "I don't need your fake apology" I said , cleaning myself "I was already late and now because of you I am dirty" I said "Well it wasn't on purpose ,my driver was driving carefully and didn't you see the car coming" he said by rolling his eyes, what does this man think of himself, because of him, dirty water and mud were all over me and now he is questioning me! I gave him a death glare, I felt to punch him on his face.

Suddenly my phone rang ,"Your phone is ringing" he said "I know" I said to him with annoyance. It was Dr.Noor , I quickly answered the call "Dr Muskan where are you?" Dr.Noor asked "I was about to call you , to inform you that I am going to get late because of rain" I said to her as I sighed "Is everything all right,you are sounding low" Dr. Noor said with a concerned voice "I am going to tell you everything when I reach to hospital" I said "Could you please handle everything for now?" I asked her "Yes, of course" Dr.Noor replied "Thanks"I said,by cutting the call.

That man was still standing there staring at me "I can drop you,if you want" he said "No thanks and I can't go to hospital with all these dirty water and mud on me , all thanks to you" I said to him,with annoyance "Ok then" he replied,I gave him a  glare before leaving from there.

I was at the entrance of our home, I was completely drenched because of rain ,dirt all over me and I was sneezing as well. Everyone's attention was me. Everyone looked at me with their widen eyes.Uncle and Aunt came running to me "Ya Allah,how did this happen Muskan?" my aunt asked me with a concerned voice "Yes dear , how did you end up like this?" my uncle asked me .

I couldn't hold my tears anymore I started to cry "A man's car splashed dirty water and mud all over me"I said. Faizan bhai , my elder brother came running as well, meanwhile my sister-in-law, Isha babhi came with a towel, I started to clean my hands with the towel "Are you all right" bhai and babhi asked me, I nodded.Four of them sighed in relief. "Dear , go and change" my aunt said as I nodded and went upstairs.

Time lapse

"Can you believe it!" I told everything to Dr.Noor and then she chuckled "What's funny in this?" I asked her "You should have seen your face ,when you were telling me all this thing , it's completely visible, that you wanna punch that man on his face with all of you force" Dr.Noor said.We both started to laugh together "I'm telling you,if I find that man I won't leave him alive"I told Dr.Noor

Finally chapter one is done 😁
I hope you liked it .
Chapter one is short but chapter two is going to be long enough ☺️ and pls vote and do let me know how you felt after meeting the Character of Muskan

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