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Sophie's POV

"Soph, are you planning on staying in tonight? Or do you want to come out with us?" Ryan asks, sticking his head into my room on the bus.

After leaving Alabama with my best friend Scarlett by my side, the two of us ended up in Charlotte, North Carolina on a whim. I fell in love with the town quickly and decided a few days later to settle in permanently. It only took us a few weeks to get moved in to an apartment, get jobs, and start our life over. I ended up finding an open position with Team Penske as a PR rep for Ryan Blaney, while Scarlett got a job working for the Carolina Panthers football team in the marketing department.

Growing up with my family, NASCAR Sunday's were a big deal, so I already knew a lot about the sport which has come in handy with the job. 

After I started working with the team, Ryan and I quickly became close friends. That turned into him introducing me to his best friends, Bubba Wallace, and Chase Elliott.

"Depends on what you guys have planned" I respond.

"Chase wanted to check out the concert in the infield tonight, maybe take a walk around the track on the way over there" Ryan says.

I give him a nod, setting down the iPad in my hands next to me on the bed, before grabbing a pair of tennis shoes and sliding them on.

"Let's go" I tell him, motioning towards the door.

The two of us left the bus, and headed in the direction where Chase and Bubba were standing in front of the bus waiting.

"Look who decided to come out for once" Chase states, spotting the two of us.

"I will gladly go back in if that's what you guys want" I respond, pointing towards the bus.

"No, you're not going back in, let's go" Ryan states, wrapping an arm around my shoulder.

The four of us make our way towards the infield where a crowd of people are waiting patiently by a stage.

"Do we know who is performing tonight? I know pre-race, but I don't keep up with weekend activities too much" I question, looking at the four of them. 

"No idea, I've heard a few names get thrown around the garage, but noting for sure yet" Bubba responds.

I give him a nod, "Just remember that you guys have an early morning, so let's not get too wasted tonight please" I tell them, all three of them letting out a groan in response.

A bunch of damn babies, all of them.

We make our way over to a section off to the side of the stage where drivers, staff members, and other guests of the weekend are standing. Once we get closer, I spot different drivers and wives standing around talking amongst themselves.

Being employed by one of the teams, I've managed to meet some of my closest friends through my job, seeing how we all spend so much time together. From wives to pit crew members, I spend my time with just about everyone related to NASCAR, and Scarlett of course.

The four of us separated, only meeting again once the stage lights start to flash and band members start walking out.

"How are we doing tonight race fans?" I hear being yelled from the stage.

Looking in the direction of the stage, my breath hitches seeing a familiar face staring out into the crowd, a smile on his face.

My only pull back into reality is a hand being placed on my back.

"Do you want to go back to the bus? We can find something else to do tonight" Ryan asks.

I look back up at the stage, before looking at him.

"I think we should stay" I respond.

As soon as Riley starts singing, Ryan grabs my hand and spins me around, a smile coming to my face.

I've learned to live in the moment recently, so that's what I'm doing.

Living in the moment, and not thinking about the man standing on stage. 

Riley's POV

I look out at the crowd of NASCAR fans, a smile on my face as I take it all in.

When I was growing up, my dad and grandpa would take me to the race when it was in town. If it wasn't nearby, we would all gather around the TV watching, so actually getting to perform for a race is a dream come true.

As the next song starts up, I look out at the crowd to see a group of drivers standing behind a barrier dancing and singing along.

A flash of blonde hair moves off to the side, drawing my attention in that direction.

As the girl being spun around by Ryan Blaney faces forward, I feel my heart beating out of my chest.

Sophie Chandler.

If there was a girl that got away, it would be Sophie. She's the thought behind every song is sing, everything that happens in my life, Sophie is a lingering thought.

The two of us were thick as thieves growing up, seeing as how our parents were best friends before we were even born.

We started dating our freshman year of high school, and everything about our relationship was perfect. Every weekend you would find her in the stands with an identical jersey to mine hanging off her shoulders.

It wasn't until I decided to drop out of school to head to Nashville that things started getting rocky. I made the mistake of promising her forever. Promising her that the two of us would get married and have a house full of kids.

That clearly didn't happen.

I broke the promises, breaking her heart and mine in the process.

Last I heard, she fled town right after graduation with Scarlett and never looked back, only coming into town for holidays. 

She's probably in love by now

A girl like that don't stay lonely long

And I bet she's already found somebody else

And he ain't doin' her wrong

Wouldn't do no good even if I could somehow track her down

She's probably in love by now

I feel the lyrics I'm singing get caught in my throat as I watch her dance with someone else. The lyrics to the song I wrote coming true in front of my face.

She looks happy, happy with someone that isn't me.

And there's no one to blame but me.

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