Harry Judd Does Frozen

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If you wanna know ask Florrie7 xD.

~ Matt xP

PS I was nominated for a challenge thingy by _Hannah_2004_ so thanks mate xD. Before I forget, I nominate FaultInOurArea11 FangirlisticFever Florrie7 and Little_Wolf007. Anyway:
1) I am a gay, transgender, panromantic person and my preferred pronouns are him/his XP
2) My favourite game ATM is called 'Harry Judd does Frozen', which would take a lot of explaining so ask Florrie7
3) I am in love with Douglas Lee Poynter. And Jeremy Lee Renner. And Harry Mark Christopher Judd. And Jonathan Mark Kogan. But mostly Dougie. He's my hero and he acknowledged my existence. xP
4) My otps are Leogie, Parvill, and a new ship my mum calls 'Mattie' xD
5) I am a saxophonist (Grade 4), and I can play McFly songs (mostly xD) on the bass, guitar, and ukulele
6) If I ever have kids I've got their names planned out and everything:
Aleksandr Benjamin Leo
Robyn Elizabeth Katrina
Jonathan Mark Douglas (yes Ik it's like Kogie's name but they're both family names, as is Leo)
Isabel Pippa

The friend I'm most like irl is Florrie7 because she is my only and best friend xD

BAIII ~ Matt xP

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