Chapter 4

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The Afternoon's sun slowly begins to fade, little by little Leaving shades of orange. It's just Five, but the sun is close to setting. The window lets some cold air in, Lucian 's eyes shining in gold as he continuously stares outside. His hair strands disturbing him, playing with his lashes. There's a unique pleasure, seeing him so peaceful and Calm. I folded the foil paper, tossing it in my bag. one which contained a sandwich some minutes before. His mom packed it for him, "she always packs some extra for me and then my friends." He said when I felt awkward taking the food. Me on the other hand packed nothing, because I was meant to go home, Before one of my friends called me and said she saw a person, exactly like the one I painted.

It took me some moments to digest what Lia said, "Damn bro That majestic guy you painted? Probably the dream of your man? I just saw a guy identical to him, on the station. Anyways, I'm leaving, my train is here." She whisper-yells on the phone. "I don't know what you're talking about-" I replied to her before My eyes fell onto a little canvas next to my bed in Dorm. The painting of Elion. I picked my half packed bags and suitcase, with only necessary needs, Leaving my novels and photographs albums behind. I ran so fast, Forgetting to lock my door.
Thankfully my roommate was still in the hostel somewhere. I didn't even think of meeting The guy I constantly saw in my dreams, memories. I knew that these memories were going to be with me forever, I couldn't get rid of them, I tried Doctors, pills of hallucinations and what not. Elion once again became my Home, this time in memories. The last memory was random for me, Before i connected all of it and before I got the call from Lia.
"I just bribed you with sandwiches." Lucian smirks with his closed eyes. "Oh that's a very disrespectful thing to say to a starving man."
I say my eyes on the pages, a slight fall, a slight pull and this book will fall apart. I have to write all of it, somewhere, so I won't lose it, so the pages won't get lost if torn. "You were nowhere near starving, if i didn't offer it, you would have just sat there forever, fearing being judged for eating." He says, making a sarcastic frown.
He's right, I would have starved myself unless I had no eyes on me, maybe when they were asleep. My eyes fall on the woman with a baby, her baby is still on her lap silent and half asleep. I attempt a smile when her eyes meet mine, her eyes are teary. She doesn't smile back nor move her gaze, I look at Lucian who's holding his lips, avoiding to laugh. "She would just think you're some creep if you smiled like that." He taunts whispering. "Shh." I say checking if she heard him.
"Don't worry she's been hearing you for a while, the story." He informs, I don't know what to feel about it but I feel anything but good. She isn't supposed to hear, it was meant for me and Lucian only. I stare at her, but now she's stroking the baby's hair. "It's fine she might be bored, she doesn't even have a phone I guess." I just realized that Lucian has been observing her l for a long time. "Okay, well stories are meant to be heard." I say as I turn the page.

{ "What is this Inconvenience you're causing to the king?" Elion said, looking at princess Alora. She doesn't look at him, staring at the floor. He is the eldest prince, Though he was Reason behind the giggles of the people in lionson. Prince Elion was always like the king, Kind and Understanding, Unlike The Princess, She was more like Their mother, Queen Alice. No matter how The queen was violently strict, king's and Prince's Kind and forgiving personality Also gave the title 'The land of Kindness.' This was before he went for Learning the High sword techniques, unlike The king, he liked magic but the void of not being the one to have it, started hurting his pride. King's brother was the second prince, But he lost his powers due to some foolishness. He died miserably. The king has always been thankful for not being so involved in magic that one lost its own control. "Do not yell at her." The king ordered, "it's not her fault." He speaks on behalf of the princess. "You have spoiled her." He argued back, his shoulders look broader, the golden hair
Reaching just an inch to his neck. The happy people of the land now are concerned about the Older Elion, Fearing he might just turn out as his sister. The king doesn't reply to him, nor does he say anything in return. Avoiding the topic temporarily. "It was nice seeing you. After three years, I hope the sword techniques you have learnt will be better than any of the second prince's magical powers." A pride, a sense of joy in his voice. "I won't disappoint you Father, But I will not use my skills in a mere war caused by irresponsibility of my sister." The weight of his voice caused all the people and air to still. "I came back because I completed what I was determined for, I will feel no proud to fight the battles that hold no sensible points." The king never expected him to say such words, the pure look of Confusion arises on everyone's faces, why did the king not reply to him? What's wrong with Prince Elion? "He's almost Nineteen,he can decide what he wants to do and what war he'll fight. I respect his decision." King says and Stands from his throne. Something on Elion's face tells everyone That he isn't the bubbly kid he used to be, he won't be going around making jokes and making everyone laugh, playing, His face that once resembled the king, started to resemble his mother With the time.}

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