Hermione smiled back at him, "Thank you, Edmund." She said and walked ahead to Harry and Ron. It was a funny sight to see Harry struggle a bit with the bags, Edmund would give him some dignity and wait until later to grab Ginny's bag as well.

Edmund walked towards the exit and stopped by the matriarch. "Thank you for the breakfast, once again, Mrs. Wealsey."

"Oh child, it is Molly for you!" She reached over and dusted something off of his arm. "Grown into a tall gentleman, I hope that my kids take an example of you." She said and then hurried him out of the door.

Edmund blushed bashfully and walked after the group, walking in the back. "I've been trying to tell her." Edmund raised his eyebrows at Ginny. He had seen the Weasley girl slow down to lag behind with him.

"Tell who what?"

"Tell Hermione that Ron doesn't like her like that. Even though she would be a great sister-in-law." Ginny gushed. "I still can't believe that she is choosing Ron over you." Edmund cringed.

"It's fine." Edmund said.

"It wouldn't have been fine if you didn't know that Ron and Lavender liked each other." Ginny said and Edmund looked over at the Weasley. Edmund never realised how much attention Ginny paid to everything.

Edmund gave the girl a smile. "You're right." He said.

"I know I am." There was the typical Weasley snark. "You know, I used to like you." She said as she looked over at Edmund's cousin and brother. The boy wasn't struggling as much anymore, but was struggling enough for them to notice.

"I know you used to." Edmund said quietly, "Tom Riddle said so, in the Chambers of Secret." The girl winced, and Edmund knew it was because of the burden of guilt she carried on her shoulders. It had never left her ever since it had happened. "We wouldn't be a good fit, Ginny."

"I know."

"We both see too much." Edmund said as he noticed Hermione look at Ron with that look in her eyes, that look that made Edmund wish that he was on the receiving end of it. Harry had sped up to talk with Arthur and left behind Hermione and Ron.

"She'll realise soon enough." Ginny said, quieter than usual.

"I like to hope so." From that point on the two of them walked in silence. It was nice, never before had Edmund had such a comfortable silence, it was impossible to do so with Hermione, Susan always had something to talk about and he'd listen. Padma would make it awkward on purpose so that she'd see him shift uncomfortably as some source of entertainment.

Edmund grabbed Ginny's bag from Harry before they started their climb on Stoatshead Hill. Edmund had climbed on the hill as a kid tons of times, he'd roll off of them or read a book at the top. He used the hidden rabbit holes as a way to push himself up.

"Now we need to search for it." Arthur ordered them all to go around and Edmund searched until he saw a tall figure, smirking over at him.

"Over here, Arthur! Over here, son, we've got it!" A voice called out. They all walked over towards the two tall figures and Edmund grabbed Cedric's hand and pulled the Hufflepuff in for a short hug.

"Good to see you again, Ced." Edmund grinned.

"You too." Cedric said.

Edmund turned to Cedric's father, Amos and smiled, holding his hand out. "Nice to see you again, Amos. How have you been?" The Diggory patriarch smiled and shook Edmund's hand feverishly.

"Good good, you should have visited this summer, Edmund! We have missed you around the house."

Edmund smiled and chuckled, "I know, with everything going on there was little time to be spent here."

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