Wait? It's a date?!?!

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"It's Akeno," the girl introduced herself with a warm smile.

"Ah, nice to meet you, Akeno. My name is Jun," Jun introduced himself as they walked together toward Akeno's house. There was a bit of awkwardness in the air, so Akeno decided to initiate a conversation.

"So, are you from around here?" Akeno inquired.

Jun shook his head, replying, "No, I'm not from around here. I'm from Shirakawa, a small village in Japan. I came to Kuoh to relax, as my old man told me to go see the world."

Akeno nodded in understanding and followed up with another question, "Oh, I see. So, is Kuoh fun?"

Jun chuckled, admitting, "Well, it's eventful, to say the least."

Akeno smiled and offered, "Hey, maybe I can show you around Kuoh. I'm assuming you have no itinerary or anything?"

Jun welcomed the idea with a grateful smile, saying, "That'll be great, Akeno. Thank you."

Curious, Akeno changed the subject, asking about Jun's impressive martial arts skills, "So that move you did, do you know martial arts?"

Jun confirmed, "Yep, I know martial arts. I've been at it for years, I think it's been 17 years."

"17 YEARS???!!??! You trained since you were young?" Akeno exclaimed in surprise.

Jun nodded, explaining, "Mmhmm. My old man wanted to toughen me up so that I could defend myself."

Akeno was curious about the martial art he practiced, "So, what martial art is that you just did? Is it Judo?"

Jun shook his head, clarifying, "Nope, not Judo. My martial art is the Niko Style."

Akeno's curiosity was piqued, and she admitted, "The Niko Style? I've never heard of it. What is it?"

Jun was more than willing to share, "Well, you've never heard about it because I'm the only student of it. There are only two practitioners of the Niko Style, my master and me. The Niko Style is made up of four different katas or forms, each of which must be fully mastered for the Niko Style to be complete. This style places a high focus on adaptability and applicability; many of the techniques are not set patterns but rather basic principles that can be applied in multiple situations."

Akeno was fascinated, her eyes shining with interest. "Oh, wow, interesting!" she exclaimed.

As they continued their walk, Akeno pointed to a shrine and said, "Ah, we have arrived at my home."

Jun was taken aback. "Your house is up there? That's a shrine! You live in a shrine? Are you a maiden?" he asked, clearly surprised. Jun didn't realize that a student could be a shrine maiden.

Akeno confirmed, "Mhmm, I live in a shrine, and I'm a shrine maiden."

"Whoa, alright. I guess this is where we part ways," Jun said, still somewhat taken aback.

But Akeno quickly offered her number, saying, "Oh, wait, here's my number! Call me or text me whenever you want a tour around Kuoh!"

Jun accepted her number with a smile, replying, "I will, Akeno."

As they said their goodbyes, Akeno added, "Alright, I'm off. See you soon, Jun!"

"See you, Akeno! And thanks for today!" Jun waved as he walked away, leaving Akeno with a warm smile on her face.


As Akeno watched Jun walk away, a smile played on her lips. She found Jun both interesting and cute, and his unexpected encounter had left a positive impression on her. However, it wasn't just his charming personality that had captured her attention.

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