Tokita Jun's Info

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Age: 20 years old

Master of the Niko Style

Personality: Tokita Jun was a carefree and innocent person. His heart longed for battles, but not to become the world's strongest. He trained relentlessly, not for glory, but to protect those he cherished. Friends were family, and Jun's strength was a shield to keep them safe. His legacy: a warrior who fought for love, not fame.

Likes: Eating, Fighting, Training, Strong people

Dislikes: Assholes

Thats Jun ^

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Thats Jun ^

Niko Style explanation: The style is made up of four different katas, or forms, each of which must be fully mastered in order for the Niko Style to be complete. This style places a high focus on adaptability and applicability; many of the techniques are not set patterns, but rather basic principles which can be applied in multiple situations.

The Niko Style's Four Katas are Adamantine, Flame, Redirection and Water. Each kata has an 'ultimate technique' which are not necessarily the most powerful techniques but are rather "aces in the hole" that can be used no matter what condition the user is in.

Highschool DXD: The Last TokitaHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin